I had a roommate that would never pre-heat pans/oven/grill. Not for steak, not for anything. I tried to show them the way, but there was just no saving him.
Somewhere out there, to this day, I reckon he’s cracking a cold egg onto a cold skillet – and the gods of food, they weep.
So, this recipe is a comfort food I was introduced to in Georgia.
Usually I make this in a smaller deeper casserole dish and do 2 layers of the ingredients.
Line the bottom with sliced potato rounds🥔
2nd layer with a little sweet onion
3rd layer with skillet seared cube steak seasoned…
4th layer ( top) 1 can diced tomatoes
And I drop in a few red onion on top 2
Bake 350° 45 min covered. Try it sometime
Take the steak out the fridge 20 mins before you plan to cook so it can breathe.
Oil the steak and season with salt, pepper, oregano and paprika.
Make sure the pan is very very hot. Lay the steak in the pan and spin it once so it doesn’t stick to the pan but still sears.
When the you see the steak is cooked half way up the side, turn the steak and spin once again.
When the blood starts to pierce the surface of the steak, that’s medium rare.
Put some butter in the pan, let it melt and baste with a whole crushed garlic clove. (the steak needs to be cooked otherwise the butter will burn - basting the steak with butter will keep the moisture, stop it over cooking and will take the sharp bitterness out of the pepper)
Take it out the pan and let it rest til the blood stops seeping through.