Foodies Unite #7(trigger warning food) GNOC, GNOC, GNOCCHI ON HEAVEN'S DOOR!

And…that’s also my kind of breakfast with the appropriate amount of pepper. :+1:t3:


So that’s how we summon you now. Mention pepper and see you in 4 minutes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Taco Soup

Ground turkey, pintos, black beans, corn, tomatoes with some Fritos jalapeño’s and cheese. Little cilantro and some taco seasonings too.


Breakfast brunch


Looks scrumptious! When you all have beans for breakfast are they mostly canned beans or mostly homemade? They always look so uniform. That all looks great. What’s on the salmon colored plate? Have a nice weekend.

Is that beans on toast?
I love everything British. Especially those breakfasts.
But I can’t do that. Nope.
Enjoy :blush:

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Almost forgot to take a pic of this fantastic BBQ! Local place that shut down during the pandemic was bought up by a family and they proudly run their “black owned, black operated” establishment. That’s a big deal in our community where the wealth and business ownership disparity falls along racial lines (much like many places in this country). Well, they’ve got some new loyal customers. This is the sampler with pulled pork, beef tips, and rib ends, all perfectly smoked and fall apart tender and the beef and ribs had the best tasting rub on them. That fried catfish filet is the best I’ve ever had in town. Tender flaky fish and crispy, flavorful and light breading. Too often fried catfish has too much soggy breading and gets over cooked. I’ve gushed enough! (And I already ate the pulled pork in this pic :sweat_smile:)


This is a glutenfree bread made with buckwheat- and rice flour and psyllium husk :heart_eyes:
In 2 hours I’ll know if it’s edible, but it looks damn fine guys :drooling_face:


Saturday night pizza


YUM! That looks so tasty! enjoy :yum:


It’s delicious! And so soft! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

Store bought glutenfree bread here is full of additives what makes it pretty unhealthy to eat and it’s dry like a shoe sole. But this? Awesome.
I hope by tomorrow it’s not dry.


Hi Eric, it’s smokey beans on sourdough with halloumi, tamari mushrooms, spinach and a mumbled egg. Pickled onions, seeds and tahini aoili.

Beans on toast is the best ever, real comfort food.


Hi Alisa they are mostly canned.I only do Heinz and also add Worcestershire sauce and cheese on top. It’s so yummy.

The salmon plate has hash browns with mustard aoili on! So scrummy !

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Now that’s one I’ve never heard before.
Thanks google.
Can I order a mumbled egg in a restaurant in Britain? Because I’m dying too now. If I can remember.


I bought a couple of these at my Sprouts a couple of weeks ago. I’m too lazy to overnight soak oats.

It finally came in handy as I walked and worked out and was too hungry and shaky. I remembered I had these in the fridge. It was pretty good. A little too much sugar but it was good. Now I can make myself something to eat.


This is more like it.
Avocado toast on rye. Just lime juice and salsa in it.
Broccoli with hummus . I found a hummus with everything bagel seasoning in it. I love everything bagels.


Leftover rotisserie chicken sandwich on sourdough with mayo, grainy mustard, avocado, Colby and romaine. I love leftover chicken and turkey sandwiches like this with lots of mayo. I forgot the tomato! Oh well.


I’m not sure you easily can to be honest as it’s the only place I know that serves them! Shame, they are good :+1:

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Noodle bowls chock full of veggies are so much quicker to prepare when your Mami is visiting! (I promise there is very tasty broth under all that) We had fun in the kitchen together tonight and you could taste the love in the food. We set the ingredients up buffet style for make-your-own bowls. Lots of laughs over dinner :heartpulse: And I love my new big bowls she and I found today!


Been seeing a lot of cauliflower recipes lately. Thought I’d try Martha Stewart’s cauliflower, tuna noodle casserole with pappardelle. I added the peas.

I was skeptical after accidentally reading some of the reviews. But it was pretty darn good. Must be Martha haters :grimacing: