Foodies Unite #8(trigger warning food) PLEASE DONUT LEAVE YET... I'M FEELING CANNELLONI!

There’s a whole new world out there for you :kissing_heart: !
Enjoy it all!

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Enjoy Italy :it::star_struck::sunglasses:


This mornings attempt to American pancakes.

My 12 y/o put butter and maple syrup on his, so it would look like and American movie :blush:


My goodness they look great!!
Have you ever been to IHOP?
Even though it stands for international house of pancakes, I don’t know if there any out of the US or not. I do know you’ve been over here. Y’all did 100% fantastic job on your pancakes, enjoy in good health.

They must’ve decided Sweden, Netherlands, France, British Isles, all have too much competition w their own type of pancake,

From wiki
The company has 1,841 locations
locations in the Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Ecuador and Guatemala), the Middle East (United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) and the South Asian Subcontinent (Indiaand Pakistan), including 161 that are owned by area licensees and 1,680 that are franchised


We have more Belgium waffle places to be honest here in UK. Don’t think pancakes would make it here.

Not sure why.


Because yall have scones all over the place, my favorite food!!
I have a question. When I was 15, I spent several months studying English literature in the British Isles and Ireland . Including Oxford and the Yeats school of poetry in Sligo. With everywhere in between. Every day at 4 o’clock or so we had tea, we had real tea and scones.
Now it seems like I hear y’all talking about tea talking about what I would call supper your evening meal. Question, do you sit down in the afternoon and have tea with cookies or something sweet? Or do you just wait and have supper which some people call dinner, and it seems like some of you from England are calling it tea, for your evening meal? Thanks for answering and maybe I got the whole thing wrong. Have a nice day.

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 In the refined society afternoon tea is what you experienced, tea and biscuits, cake etc
 They might call main meals breakfast lunch and dinner.

In the northern areas mostly we call dinner, TEA. I actually would say breakfast, dinner and tea. Tea being the main evening meal
 We wouldn’t have afternoon tea really these days
 We might have elevenses which is tea and biscuits or cake.

It’s so confusing, but tea and tea are both liquid and a meal! Sorry.

Edited: though I’m a Londoner for 22 years I’m born and bred Midlands and lived in the north west for three years
 Explains my use of this


Elevenses is 11:00 in the morning?
Thanks for the explanation.

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Yes, so the slump between breakfast and dinner where you might need a snack to fortify your Victorian heart. :joy: Let’s face it, we make an event out of wind and air over here


Never been to IHOP, and for what I know we don’t have it here.

Wanted to go to Applebee’s last time we where in the US because I thought they sold healthy foods (They where located in a place where they had a lot of fastfood places)

My friend laughed for like five minutes and then said, well I think they might have fried apple piesâ˜ș
And then we went to Pizza Hut instead.

For next time I have McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Applebee’s on my to try list. I guess I can add IHOP too.

I know McDonald’s sounds strange but it’s a nice and pretty cheap way to get local foods. The meny is different in every country.


The whole reason I don’t buy bacon anymore :joy::joy: I have will power with turkey bacon but not pig bacon


Purge the fridge Omelette made by Hubby :ok_hand:


Swedes does something similar.
In the western farm county (VĂ€stra Götaland) where I live, we have breakfast, or morning coffee, elevenses or 11 o’clock coffee, dinner (which other call lunch is the mainmeal and eaten sometimes between 12-14 o’clock, the factory workers usually have a dinner break which is between 13-14)
And then we have afternoon coffee at 16.00 and evening Fika (supper) somewhere around 18-20 o’clock.

I automatically thinks about Hyacinth (Keeping up appearance tv show) candle light supper when I hear the word supper. :smiling_face:


Made a treat— Ice, coffee, protein powder, sugar free chocolate and whip cream :drooling_face:


Last night smoked pork ribs. Ohhhh myyyyy


Saturday night favourite of spinach apple and Gorgonzola added at the end.


Chicken Teriyaki stir fry tonight😙



Last nights restaurant had their own brand.

Compared to yesterdays I thought it weak ass.
Will be headed to the country later today. Looking forward to local olive oils.


My kiddo bought me, a quantity 15, Dollar Tree Turmeric. I am taking it for her.