Foodies Unite #8(trigger warning food) PLEASE DONUT LEAVE YET... I'M FEELING CANNELLONI!

Polish Kielbasa sautéed with roasted veggies. Served with a horseradish ketchup.


Oh my goooosh!

If you love rice and salmon and have leftovers, love asian fusion AND a fast healthy plate you have to try this!

It’s basmati and salmon from the day before, smashed and seasoned with soja sauce and wasabi. And it’s a fucking dream lol!

You can also use nori sheets on the side…

The salad is seasoned with soja joghurt, Sriracha and stevia which is also just yum!


So im told by the doctor that i need to get my cholesterol down…if anyone has any good food ideas to lower cholesterol id be very greatful for any advice, so far ive switched from white bread to wholemeal and oat bread, bought cholesterol lowering spread instead of butter, added soya milk instead of dairy, and started eating fruit instead of sweet things, more veg and lean meat and porridge oats for breakfast,
I have until january to lower it or i may need to start statins…but id rather try and do this naturally.


Hey Kelly :wave:
Ya. I had the same issue. I was eating anything to stay sober. I’ve cut out a lot of red meat, and oh so beautiful real butter :disappointed_relieved: I was slathering my mashed potatoes on it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
No more ice cream. After awhile it was time for me to just start eating healthy. My doc went right for the statins. Pissed me right off. I mentioned diet. She said you could try. WTF :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I like all food so it’s easy for me to eat no meat or full dairy. A Mediterranean diet was recommended. And I drove myself crazy trying to figure out what to eat more of and less of. For snacks I been eating nuts. Specifically more walnuts. I read they are great for lowering the LDL. But can be high in calories. I just have my toast dry these days. And I cut way way back on the Mayo and chicken and tuna and egg salads. And I use olive oil when cooking. There’s so many factors to consider. I got my numbers down pretty good. But my doc said it was the lower blood pressure along with the numbers that kept me in a good healthy non statin range. Not just the numbers alone. So I continue my meditations. And my mantras and chanting. Especially before my doctors appointments and in the car too them. Sorry I’m rambling. But I was pretty proud of myself. I hate when docs go right to the prescription meds :grimacing:. And I had no idea blood pressure was another factor they considered. No one told me.
Namaste :pray:t2::heart:

Edit @Starlight14
Oh and I just do olive oil and fun vinegars on my salad these day. Like champagne vinegar or red wine etc. I got a nice olive oil spray bottle that I use for my salads. I’m using a cool lemon olive oil presently.


Oh thank you so much for this Eric i really appreciate it! Im not shocked at my levels…its 7.3 in total and LDL is 4.4 so im a bit embarrassed considering im 43 but with all the drinking and then like youve said ive been eating because i cant drink…ive not looked after myself at all…lots of toast with thick butter, pastries, sweets, cakes, chocolate …you name it! With that said im seeing this is a natural progression of my sobriety journey-to get myself properly healthy…i asked the dr to check me for as much as possible so i could know what i was dealing with…my blood pressure too is getting higher so im hoping that might come down if i can get this cholesterol in check and hopefully lose some weight to boot, love to you dear Eric, thank you :pray:


Benson is coming for the sausage LOL


Ooh i love the ideas for dressings too i do like olive oil and i love anything with lemon juice ima get me a spray bottle :blush: im the same as you i like lots of foods so to change my diet is not an issue i think i just got stuck in eating the easy and worst things but i will plow my interest into some new meals and recipes, i love nuts and seeds so ive been snacking on those xx


Yum…this looks amazing :yum:


Oooh, made my favourite soup today. This is a Gooder! Super healthy and the best pick me up. It’s my go to to feel better.


Tex Mex Shredded Beef Enchiladas Rojas
With a Tapatio Crèma

Sloppy presentation. That plate needs a rim job. My apologies.


I had to chuckle at your lingo. Means something entirely different where I’m from :joy: :rofl:
PS, I think your presentation looks great


Benny will lick it for ya. Always ready to give a rim job, even a plate job of needed :laughing::see_no_evil:


I got a few chuckles on the line as well and a few :scream:


Today I digged into the fridge and gave in to my desire to cook soooouuup.
The ramen-style pot was bruch as I already was soooooo hungry at 10 a.m. after 2hours of preparing and cooking.
The chicken soup pot was my dinner.
I’m happily full with soup and lotsa veggies today :blush::blush::blush:


Tuesday nights roasted sausage and veggies in a 2 egg omelette with Swiss and salsa and wifey’s oat bran muffy.


Haven’t posted much because my liquid/mush toothache diet hasn’t been worthy, but I miss posting so here goes! A simple tuna salad with bean sprouts (oops, broccoli kale and cabbage mixed sprouts :sweat_smile:) and saltines.

And busting out the frozen chili and chicken soup I made a while back on this rainy day. We couldn’t agree on one so two it is. Might have a cup of each.


Cheese Tortellini Marinara
With garlic, parsley, lemon zest, breadcrumbs (panko) and tossed salad. Dressing of a little mayo, lemon, juice, olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper. It worked well.


I was feeling thin this morning. Not in the sense you might think, in the Bilbo Baggins sense of “like butter that has been scraped over too much bread” sense. (Tolkien nerd alert!) Not enough sleep lately, not enough sustenance, etc. So I went with sourdough lightly toasted with cream cheese, lox and capers. First time buying them and they’ve been waiting for a long time for me to open them. @EarnIt Jené I hope you’re proud! It’s the most delicious bite ever. Wish I had scallions or had thin sliced some red onion but whatevs. Amazing.

Okay I fixed it. Now that’s perfection. :kissing_heart: chef’s kiss!


Fruit bowl poolside.
Banana and blueberries.


Sandwich and chip kind of day. Did you know you can have 32 baked white cheeto puffs for only160 calories?! :joy: They are one of my favorite chips