Zucchini Pizza bake, low carb
I loved how you showed us that.
Thank you
I am steeling this gorgeous masterpiece for myself. Thank you.
What kind of cheese?
A mozzarella?
And how long did you bake it?
Hahaha you are all too sweet @tailee17 @Twizzlers and Eric. It was realy delicious.
It’s 2 middle sized zuchhinu in slices, baked with some olive oil and pinch of salt separately for circa 10 minutes.
Topped with tomatoes, champions, salami, red onion, garlic, olives, half a mozzarella de buffalo, 1 slice gouda ()…
Baked for another 10 minutes at high heat.
Thank you! Champions are mushrooms right?
Ahw … Right. Most popular in Germany, simple champignons and of course it isn’t champions but sometimes they are.
This all might also taste good in tuna style.
looks very nice this ,im not sure but that looks suspiciously like a dumpling in the top of your bowl or do i need new glasses?? i am actually going to pick my new glasses up tomorrow evening!!
Boiled Local potatoes (straight from the farm)
Fish sticks
“School sauce” which is a cold dressing with cucumber and dill.
There’s no dumplings as the kids don’t like them and I wouldn’t make them just for myself. It turned out so tasty though. Been a while since I last made Irish stew but the weather called for it today.
It does look really nice,that one spud just looked a little bit different
@Deelzebub that Irish stew looked great:ok_hand: I would definitely make dumplings just for me though I’d happily eat all of them and add more after I can’t get enough dumplings:yum: roll on winter