For the relapser, Vol. 3

All we can do is tell our story.

For decades drinking, I drank because of anxiety, stress, shitty things happened to me. I was always trying to control life, if I could control life then there wouldnt be a need to get drunk…and yes, that is an actual thought.

The more I tried to control life, the more stress I had. The more I drank, the stupider the shit I did was.

When I got sober, I Instantly figured life would get better. Honestly, on some level it did. Take away expensive bar tabs, chasing bar flys, hangovers, drinking anxiety…life gets better fast. Then came stress…

Guess what, life happened. What? I am not drinking, shit isnt suppose to happen. But that isnt how life happens. Bad things happen.

If you find yourself relapsing because of the stress of life, guess what…it will never get better.

It dawned on me that normal drinkers and non-drinkers manage life just fine with out killing themselves with alcohol. Then there must be away.

Getting sober was more than just not drinking. It was re-learning how to live…yes little monkey, there are bad days. A bad day sober, is still a pretty damn good day.

Stay sober.


Thank you, 3 for 3, of saying what I know and just need to hear.

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Yes this :+1: Learning new ways to cope with stress, conflict and failure were sooooo important to my recovery. Thank you for this post today, sometimes it’s easy to forget.

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Sobriety is about action. What action will you take?

Currently in counseling , and attending online meetings.

I hope it sets you on a solid path. You joined a few months after I got here.