I am trying again

I fell off the wagon again. I’m a everyday binge drinker. Every morning, after throwing up, i feel intense shame and sadness that I have allowed alcohol to run my life.
I’m going to try again, and if I fail, I will try again



Keep trying to quit @Harp0m one day it will stick.

Do you have support from friends, family, community?


No. The only support I will have is from this community. I’m hopeful that this time will be the last “first day”


Hi I’m on Day2, we are all in this together I’m glad your here :people_hugging:
This community helped me get 879 days until a few weeks back. It’s hard getting back on track but the feeling and weight I feel relieved from knowing I’m quitting drinking is keeping me going.
Keep reaching out here, just you being here and trying to recover is strength in itself. Be proud of yourseld for still wanting to get better.


There’s still lots and lots you can do to make your own sobriety strong.

Resources for our recovery

For the relapser, Vol. 3
(This is a great series)

Stay active here. Every day. Surround yourself w sobriety content 24/7, that’s what I did the first year or so.


Thank you everyone.
One day at a time


This community and aa support me and keep me accountable

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Keep trying Darren . I’m a chronic relapser as well . And I keep trying . I analyze why I used- just what was the green light- and I come back a little stringer and wiser . More aware if the triggers and traps ever so mild or sneaky. But you’ve got to do full recovery behavior. Meetings, the steps, and a sponsor . I tried to do recovery without the work I’m mentioning and u know now that it wasn’t enough. As much energy we put into addiction we must apply the same it more to recovery . Take care my friend - and keep learning and growing . You’ll get it​:muscle:t4::v:t4::wave:t4: