Found It! A must see to understand addiction

Thank you Becky !


You betcha!

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This is a good one too, just testing my new found skill of copy and pasting link from other threads :hugs::hugs::hugs:



This is a good little Ted talk about addiction.

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I’ve seen that one! Very good!! Awesome share :heart:

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It was me who shared it. Thank you so much for sharing it again! :heart: You don’t need to credit me for anything. What matters is that it has been shared again for others to gain from.

I’m so happy it was so useful to you! I know it was for me as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

This was the original post but the original poster of the video may have changed where it was located so it’s not available on the post anymore:


Two GREAT podcast episodes on the topic of addiction :slightly_smiling_face: have a listen, I’d love to hear your thoughts. I learnt, understood and related to a lot. I feel very fortunate to have access to these and for the wisdom and experience of others.

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Thank you merci beaucoup, this is really great and helpful. Was listening to a french podcast and it was like…meh :confused:, but this one is gold


You bet! It has been the best one I’ve heard as well.

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How am I just now seeing this? :sweat_smile: in August I was on vacay in the UK and Ireland lol That must’ve been how I missed your post :sweat_smile: I never forgot this video. It struck me profoundly that first month of sobriety. I’m always the “why” person. Wwhhyyy am I doing this? And this answered so many of those questions :heart:

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It happens :laughing: I know I’ve missed things too.

It was really useful to me too. I think I watched/listened to it 5 or 6 times when I first found it. The end was really fascinating and eye opening to me. It’s not enough for me to be clean and sober. Like you, I want to know why I’m reacting in the ways that I am, or why will-power isn’t enough.

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I wanted to bump this thread, it’s been on my mind a lot just lately whilst wondering who I am and why I do some of the things I do. This really opened my eyes and encouraged me to look deeper. It helped me so I’m sure it will help some people here too. Thank you for this platform!!! I thank god every day since I stumbled across it all those years ago. God bless you all x​:pray:t2::heart:


Hi Sarah! I so agree :+1: This video helped me understand so much. I’m so glad it has helped you too :smiling_face:


Thank you for bumping @Blondie1x. I’m due to watch again. I need that refresher every so often.


How do I find this please @Ravikamor


If you just tap on the picture on the original post it should come up on YouTube it’s eye opening I hope you find it as interesting as I did :pray:t2::heart:


Thank you @Blondie1x :heart:


Great podcast, recommended ,watch until the end :+1: