Friday it's so hard

Struggling tonight really want to pour the gremlin is shouting “it’s Friday night!” Please help x


Find a local meeting near you or hang out with some sober friends, Get around people who are on the same path as you or people who dont use alcohol. You can have fun without using drugs and alcohol I promise.


If it’s too late in the evening to attend a meeting, have you had dinner yet?

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Yes just and thank you it has helped need ice cream now though haha but it has eased the craving x


I’m still in my “early days” at 61 days in the big scheme of things, but when I was in my REAL EARLY days, I was mowing through pints of ice cream every night. Eat that stuff until you cannot eat anymore…it helps and eventually you will taper off of that…ur body craves the sugar and if you satisfy that urge it really helps with the alcohol urge.


I hope this message finds you ok.
Stay strong

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Thank you and yes I’m resisting this group really is a huge help. Makes me feel accountable and i don’t want to let the group down :grinning:


As long as you dont let yourself down. Thats what matters. We are all here for you though

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I literally opened the forum to complain about friday and here was this thread :blue_heart:


Weekends are always the worst. I always always ALWAYS rewarded myself for a long week of work work work. And then I was “rewarding” on hump day. And theeen, every day of the week. And then in the mornings when I was so shaky and crawling out of my skin. Lovely pattern, oh how destructive my dear friend is.

Once you get a few weekends under your belt, they start meaning something different. It gets easier when you stop associating Friday’s with your doc, but it does take time. Stay busy and hang in there. :heart:


It get’s easier with every day @Chezie trust me :kissing_smiling_eyes:


My plans for Friday:

  • Clean and pick up apartment (keep busy, take pride in my space, a sense of cleanliness)
  • Make tea and/or coffee (energy, the act of “making a drink”, having something to drink)
  • Eat some of the chocolate I bought
  • Chores
  • Grab some groceries for dinner and make a mindful and nourishing meal
  • Watch some comedy

If you’re a Joe Rogan fan.
His stand up is hilarious

I’m struggling with this myself! The weekend is really difficult, as its when I can allow myself to relax and that usually means having a drink…or 10+ , then I end up smoking too and then i am right back to hating myself, full of anxiety and depression :frowning: I’m proud though, ive just made it through my Friday and today, Saturday, I’ve got much on to distract my mind from wanting to drink and “relax”. Going to visit my friend tonight, who is always sober - she doesnt drink - and shes my support person :slight_smile: Im 3 full days sober so far and feeling very proud of myself! I know I can get through this weekend successfully and come next week feel even prouder! You can do it too :blush: xx


Try to stay busy this weekend, especially tonight. Have some fun, sober fun at that.
Have a good dinner
Go for coffee with a friend
Go for a drive
Go for a walk or hike
Hang with sober friends or friends that wont drink around you
Listen to or play some music
Spend time with family
Go shopping, just dont overdue it
Go play laser tag or mini golf
Go to the beach, if you live around one
Cozy up and read a good book
Make an amazing dinner
I dont know what kinds of things you like to do but i just named off like over 10+ things. Its going to be important to stay busy though. So make sure you do something enjoyable.
Have a happy and safe evening…

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All I can say is you’re not alone. Don’t know if that helps? At 10pm tonight will be day 7 and I’ve locked myself inn my room to keep myself from going downtown to get whiskey. I DO NOT want to repeat the crappy withdrawals I went through this past week. But I’m literally trembling and in tears simply cause I’m angry with my husband liver something completely stupid… and that’s a trigger…a BIG one!
So… you’re, not alone. It’s not worth giving in…we know this. Just breathe❤

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Lol… just ate a half gallon! I feel sick… but the craving is better. Not gone, but better.

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You have lisence to be selfish. Just pick something, something, anything that isn’t overtly self-desrructive.

Wanna veg out?
Eat three candy bars?
Run through a corn field? (Ok, wrong time of year)

For a while, these things can be ok while you are trying to get your land legs and are in a tight spot. Imo.


Going to the kidrock concert :grinning:

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I also have a rough time on fridays, I found that reading and keeping my
Mind active helps a lot, puzzles are big for me they help a lot
Also find a sober group to go
To if you have to