Friday night - what's up

  1. I had to leave my cats behind when I moved out of country. I left them with a woman who they were familiar with, to a lovely home with a garden to play in. But I was always harsh on people who did something like that. I took my first cat with me overseas. This time the circumstances were about life and death but it is killing me. That is why I only help strays now.
  1. Man I don’t know… I felt like Brittney Spears 1-3 months ago coming off alcohol while doing school… hahahahaha. I’m a flake when it comes to TV.
  1. Any office job or kindergarden teacher. Lol. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  1. One night at the restaurant I was working at the expo was chasing me (I know very immature) and the mats were already pulled so I totally slipped on my butt/back and my pants ripped showing my front bottom (thanks @CaptAZ for sharing that video, can’t get it out of my head :roll_eyes: lol).

Also I jumped really high on a trampoline, landed poorly, and rolled my ankle so hard it broke.

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Oooh that’s a good one!

Yes 🤦

And oh I’m sure, trust me I had some major flashbacks during your recovery lol*

*Sorry, that wasn’t funny per se, I can just relate :wink:

  1. Jane from Jane the Virgin :hibiscus:
  1. So so many, one that comes to mind is seeing someone I know, a musician singing in the middle of a crowded city centre walking past, saying hello and putting cash into their guitar case that wasn’t even where it usually would be when someone busks, saw a camera in front of me, the entire time they were filming a cover for their youtube channel, not busking… and I interrupted and gave them cash

You’re not invisible, don’t settle.

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@anon34614660 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
This is so good. Thank you for making me laugh so hard. I farted and peed in my pants but thank God I am a homebody, so I went and got cleaned up. Lol. I have broken a table when I blacked out but not as embarrassing as leaving my sweethearts behind.

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  1. Home health care

(I wanted to be a meteorologist when I was little)

  1. My past relationship taught me to trust your instincts

Such a good lesson

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  1. Instant gratification is hardly ever worth it
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  1. That thing/machine that removes salt from water lol, soap (yes), crowbar, bug spray, needles (I’m a nurse) and some kind of weapon… would need advice on this.
  1. All the food, all the weapons, all my family, @Yoda-Stevie, and all of his family so he is more inclined to come lol
  1. Narcissistic personality disorder. It changed my life. Now I understand.
    I think about what to plant in my garden when I am bymyself.
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No not at all! I got awkward and TMI then deleted :woman_facepalming:

Ok, I’m back! What did I miss?

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  1. Anything to kill myself asap.