Friday night - what's up

  1. Finally get rid of these man-boobs :slight_smile:
  2. Barack Obama
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Oh!! Ok lemme think lolā€¦

Of course Obama too. Damn!

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  1. If your house were on fireā€¦ whatā€™s the one thing you would grab?
  1. Aside from any humansā€¦ my car in the garage (if that counts) :joy: I actually love my car. Everything else is online or replaceable.
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  1. No way 1 thing (unless people arenā€™t included). Kids, my wife and doggy. If itā€™s not people or pets then macbook - my entire life is digitizedā€¦
  1. Unless I have cats, or any animals, nothing really.
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  1. My dog
  2. Same
  1. My dog
  1. Most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

Ok I think someone else should take a turn lolā€¦ who wants to ask? Or should we take turns?

I second that

  1. Too many drunken moments to think of. The whole period thing always stinksā€¦ it happened to me once in 7th grade.
  1. Job Iā€™d be terrible atā€¦ a therapist. Lol

Ok folksā€¦gotta check out for a bit to help get kids ready for bed. Loved the game @anon19498634 thanks for hosting :slight_smile:

  1. I had to leave my cats behind when I moved out of country. I left them with a woman who they were familiar with, to a lovely home with a garden to play in. But I was always harsh on people who did something like that. I took my first cat with me overseas. This time the circumstances were about life and death but it is killing me. That is why I only help strays now.
  1. Man I donā€™t knowā€¦ I felt like Brittney Spears 1-3 months ago coming off alcohol while doing schoolā€¦ hahahahaha. Iā€™m a flake when it comes to TV.
  1. Any office job or kindergarden teacher. Lol. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  1. One night at the restaurant I was working at the expo was chasing me (I know very immature) and the mats were already pulled so I totally slipped on my butt/back and my pants ripped showing my front bottom (thanks @CaptAZ for sharing that video, canā€™t get it out of my head :roll_eyes: lol).

Also I jumped really high on a trampoline, landed poorly, and rolled my ankle so hard it broke.

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Oooh thatā€™s a good one!