Friday night - what's up

Lol… old man :wink: I’m about to go to bed!

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Yep we west coast peeps have arrived to keep it going! :wink:

When I was young, if my father found a dirty dish, we had to empty every cupboard in the house and rewash everything - including things like holiday platters. So, I have reason for my madness and the girls – now at 14 and 15 load properly. For years, I let them “help” and then reload it.
The kitchen is a problem for me and I should probably let it go…

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Sudden existential crisis! If I don’t live at the coast, can I still call myself west coast? :open_mouth:

Got it :wink: And wow! Fuck dishes right? :grimacing:

Yeah yeah…:wink::rofl:

We went on vacation today, 7 am flight so had to get up at 3:30 am, but of course the universe decided it was the perfect time for some minor foodborne illness, so I got a solid 90 minutes of sleep. I’m feeling better now though, got dinner rezzies in an hour. I’m looking forward going back to bed soon!

Hahaha hahah that is great.

Oh, wow. And I thought ironing the kitchen towels and even the cloths we used for dusting was crazy. Also the socks and underwear, anything you can put the iron on.

I guess I can be secure in the fact that no matter what cupboard a guest may grab a dish from, it’s going to be spic and span!

That reminds me of my grandparents having dryclean-only placemats…

Toothpicks to clean the grout? That was another one, and in the refrigerator seams.

Better late than never! Especially when naps are involved!

Yep! Definitely.

I am recovering from OCD now. But recovering, not recovered. Still suffering.

Oh, I don’t do the grout thing anymore but I had to growing up. The dishes thing stuck…but not the grout. :thinking:

Ok friends, it’s been swell. Got to get some zzzz. Sweet sober evenings and dreams. Thanks for lots of lolz


Just finished watching movie with my son. Going to get some Zzzz … day 142 and happily still sober :hugs::hugs:

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Apparently I have stumbled in to dishwasher talk lol. I never used one up until about 3 years ago even though I had one. I preferred washing by hand. My ex would use it (when she did dishes).


I’ve always preferred washing by hand, and still do it absentmindedly sometimes, but since the sink almost always has stuff in it already when I go to wash my dishes, I become unmotivated to do so, and just put them in the dishwasher. Having to pull dishes out of the sink just to be able to wash dishes in the sink is a pet peeve of mine.


What do alcoholics and addicts do on a Friday night?

That’s right! Talk about loading the dishwasher. I didn’t use a microwave for 4 years, until I moved into a house with a built-in.