Friday Thread #2

Just finished dinner. Was sous-chef to my father making guacamole for Mexican food night. Having a group zoom with some friends from Utah in a little bit to play We’re Not Really Strangers card game and distract me from the stress of some other life things.

My dad rented the second SpongeBob movie for us to watch tonight but it’s going to wait until tomorrow now.


I’ll have to watch it. Can’t remember if we’ve seen it. Definitely have watched The Lego Movie a few times :laughing:
Today was Jurassic World. They had DVD for a good price at grocery store :t_rex:


Happy Friday, amigos!! What is everyone up to? I’m doing a bunch of cooking and housework today but the weather is beautiful and I’m taking frequent breaks to sit out on my deck. It will be a lovely evening out there, for sure. Not quite cool enough for a fire in the fire pit though.


I’m just rolling out of bed… ha!

House chores and gonna put away the pool today.

But tonight… tonight is a stay at home and watch the Sopranos kind of night!


I’m due for a rewatch. Saw it for the first time in 2018/2019, then again in 2020.



I’m working till about 4. I think we’re gonna end up sitting out on the deck tonight too. We were out there last night it was beautiful out. Yeah it’s still a little to warm for the fire pit, but it’s not hot enough for the pool anymore. Not for me anyways. I’m thinking about throwing burgers and salmon on the grill. Whatcha cooking?


I made some tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes this morning, just made BLTs with avocado for lunch, and since I have been up since 4 am for some ungodly reason I am wiped the eff out. I think the rest of cooking is getting postponed till tomorrow and we’ll get sushi tonight instead. Oh, darn :laughing: Probably spend some time in my hammock and read a bit. I’ve worked my butt off this week so I think a little break has been earned.

Enjoy your deck and BBQ evening! That was also debated…


I’ve never watched it :scream: I think I’d like it.


@RosaCanDo you definitely deserve a break! @Jasty2 grilling sounds great. You can’t beat a good grilled salmon, I think. Getting a decent grill is kind of on my “wish list”, but just like canning, it’s remained a “wish”.

@HoofHearted and @TMAC I tried watching the Sapranos for the first time this year! I think I got into the second season and then lost interest. Not sure why because it was funny, the script is good, and the acting is great.

My ex girlfriend’s father is in town, so my husband and I are going out to dinner with him, my ex, and her “platonic life mate”. :sweat_smile: It’s kind of a weird and tricky thing. He knew that we were dating at the beginning, but was against it because I was married (hubby knew and encouraged), so she told him we just became friends when really we dated for 9 years. She lives next door, so when he comes to visit we still make sure to get together.

I don’t mind and even enjoy getting together. Luckily for me, he and I get along great because we’re very similar in a lot of ways ( a Freudian thing on my ex’s part?? :laughing: ), but I think it’s a little uncomfortable for my ex and her partner, and for my husband who is a nice, straight laced left-brained Vulcan who finds my dirty and often gallows-esque humor–which my ex’s father shares–to be distasteful and offensive, but he goes to be polite.

Her father has been clean from alcohol and cocaine for almost 30 years now. He still goes to meetings and is a real powerhouse in the sobriety realm. Sticking a gun in his wife’s face and nearly pulling the trigger while high and drunk out of his mind shook him hard enough that he sought out help.

If anyone has any really great offensive, dirty, or dark jokes, please PM me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s a great show. It’s gotten more comedic on rewatches.


I don’t work this weekend!
Tonight after work I’m driving out to see some friends at a party. I’ll have my own lawn chair and a cooler full of soda water for the visit.

Tomorrow is full of possibilities. It could be a bike ride, house cleaning, reading all day or go to the pool kind of day.
Sunday I’ll spend time with the hubs.

I’ve never watched the Sopranos but I just finished Six Feet Under for the first time. I thought it was beautiful, heart breaking and a helper for grief processing for sure! :face_holding_back_tears::pleading_face::heart:


My friend’s Dad used to watch it when it first aired, I remember watching a few episodes here and there, it was a bit more adult than my style at the time. Then we saw a reference to the last episode on Family Guy and my wife didn’t understand, so I said thats it, were watching Sopranos. And that’s how it went down, man.


I’ll start it up after we finish Seinfeld. We just started Season 8…getting closer.


Puh, my friday was the fridayest friday that fridayed in a long time: cats wanted breakfeast according to my alarm clock :+1:, I hated everything I had to do today from cleaning the house to grooming the cats to procrastinate office work until the last minute. I am pissed at my future ex-husband and ate way too much curry! Ouch it will be tomorrow morning :hot_pepper::grin:
So my evening ends NOW with hopefully sweet dreams, it’s 8.30 pm here and that’s perfect for bedtime. Good sober night folks :pray::blush:


Good night and good riddance to your Fridayest Friday! Sweet dreams.


@RosaCanDo thanks for kicking off the friday thread early! In earlier sobriety i dreaded weekends now they are just full of possibilities :slight_smile: hope everyones hangin in there tonight and if not lets talk about it!


I love that! So true! I just wish the weekend was longer!


Fridays used to mean drinks with colleagues after work as a warm up, then home to politely drink with my husband at dinner…then slip around the house to all my hidden bottles until I was functionally blacked out. Rinse and repeat for years…

I’ve been sober for about four and a half years now. Tonight I made dinner, played with my little boys, read stories and got them to bed. Next is a long bath, a book, and bed.

I can’t imagine a better life - and I am well aware that I will lose it all if I ever pick up a drink again. No desire to go back to that hell of hating myself every day…


Friday witching hour is fucking with my mind. Grr i was doing so well earlier tonight :frowning: struggling atm


I noticed the smoke was extra thick today, the sunrise was especially red this morning. Hopefully the rain returns soon!