Friday Thread #3

So glad I got my haircut in on time :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: best on time!


First post here, This will be my first normal Friday without a drink, so Iā€™ve left my wallet at home so I canā€™t go to the pub, Iā€™m walking home which is a good hours walk. Then Iā€™m going straight to the gym for an hour and Iā€™m going to drink plenty of water,then my protein shake. I find this helps with any cravings. Iā€™ve been working out that much Iā€™m treating myself to a pizza tonight,then bed by 10šŸ¤£. Enjoy your weekend


First Friday sober - this withdrawal headache is hard to shift but if i feel better later, Iā€™ll be heading to the gym with my partner for a workout.

If i donā€™t feel better, Iā€™ll probably just lay in bed watching Netflix or continue on my Jigsaw puzzle. Its going to be difficult considering my mum always buys 2 bottles of wine with the Friday weekly shop but Iā€™ve got to stand strong!


I know Im living back at home with my mum and she has beer in the house. But Iā€™m like you finding other things to d. Stay strong


Iā€™ve got Friday off, and the weekend too. The electrician just installed a new breaker box in my place so now Iā€™m really free till Monday morning. Having dinner with two of my oldest friends who I originally know from the coffeeshop (which is the place to buy cannabis over here) over 35 years ago. Both of them still smoke but thatā€™s their problem.

Tomorrow I might go for a bike ride if the weather is as expected. Which is dry, and not that cold or windy. No bars no booze no drugs in the forecast. Have a great Friday & weekend all!


@TrustyBird I love that you are so happy and gonna enjoy the winter storms. Makes me smile imagining you playing out in the snow. I myself am not looking forward to it but happy for those who are.
@erntedank Covid sucks! Sorry that you are still feeling the lingering effects. Hope that hair cut brightened up your day.
@garry great to see you on the Friday thread ā€“ lovely plan for a sober Friday! We are here for you if you find yourself needing a distraction.
@ofmiceandroach Yeah to the first Friday sober ā€“ I do love the firstā€™s :wink: The key for me was to change up my routine and keep myself busy. Chilling out and watching Netflix sounds perfect. Stock up on your favorite non alcoholic drinks (I had a lot of la croix in house). The little things really do help get over that hump.
@mno thanks for that gif ā€“ love the sassy pants dance. Enjoy your three day break!

Happy Friday to all ā€“ I am grateful that we did not wake up to a dump of snowā€¦ itā€™s coming later today and I am prepared. I have a few major time consuming things to take care of which I plan on starting this afternoon and other than that a laid back Friday.
Wishing everyone a wonderful carefree Friday and weekend ahead!



We are having quite the winter storm here and managed to get out for a midday hike in it, fun but exhausting! Snow in my boots noooooo!!! My dog was not phased until we got to the top of the bluff and the wind was whipping. Then I said for the third time, ā€œReady to go home?ā€ And she finally said yes, letā€™s go.


And I just realized I have really good winter boots but out of sight, out of mind. Derpy brain!


@RosaCanDo too

My wife has been interviewing at 2 companies, one was put on hold until after the holidays, the other, not sure where they are at in the process (they neither rejected or moved her along yet).

The jobs sheā€™s looking at are drying up. She was hoping maybe some would open up after the new year, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. The only thing that is happening is more and more layoffs in the thech industry, which is bad news for her. During COVID times, a lot of companies saw huge increase in sales/customers due to millions staying home and getting a lot of money from unemployment. Those companies bloated their work force and now, times are tough for millions of peopleā€¦ and so the layoffs. Thatā€™s an over simplified version, but not far from reality.

Anyhow, the unemployment algorithm picked my wife to be audited, she had her first meeting today. Earlier this year, congress passed a bill to make it harder to defraud unemployment after billions was stolen in 2020-2021, this audit is the fallout of that. Sheā€™s fine, sheā€™s been doing everything she needs to be doing and what not.

My boss moved on, as Iā€™ve mentioned. He recently text me to say the HoofHearted at his new place just quitā€¦ so, thereā€™s an opening. Great news, being my job future here is unknown, but itā€™s in another state. So, Iā€™ll either convince them to let me work remote and commute once every X days, or relocate. I really donā€™t want to relocate.

Happy Friday friends.


Uf, itā€™s a tough spot to be in with the uncertainty. I feel for you, man. We went through that too many times in the last several years and one is too many. I donā€™t have kidsā€¦having them in the mix surely complicates everything too. Sending you hopeful vibes for best possible long term outcomes. Stability is so important. Thanks for the update. :heartpulse:


I will be working the majority of the day and night. The joys of being a salaried director at a community based organization is that when Iā€™m short staffed and underfunded that I get to do more work :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


Resting this evening. Got an estimate gas bill. Horrifically high. Nonsense. We have a smart meter and still they did a guesstimate. Tomiro I will be on the phone


Welp, the one job that was neither here nor there, just sent a rejection letterā€¦ down to one, again.


Ahhhhh bummer. Sorry bud. That is shitty.


@HoofHearted @RosaCanDo I send you a vintage 80s snowsuit to help cheer your days. Iā€™m out to play in the snow. Keep at it Hoof. Youā€™ll get it.


Oh. My. God. I stinking love it!!! Enjoy!


Love your boots too. So sad I forgot mine these last few days. They are quite nice. What was I thinking?!?!


Nice!! Those are coming back! I love it!! :heart:


That thing is awesome :100::sunglasses: