Friday Thread #3

Finished a day of final speaking tests, so just listening and grading all day. The kids are at a karate trip so just me and the husband for the weekend. I wonder how it will go. Will we reconnect a bit? Or the chasm too wide?


@JazzyS Thanks Jasmine!

happy Friday to everyone!


Happy sober friday folks!
what are you doing today?

@Misokatsu Wishing you a relaxed weekend however it goes Flo :people_hugging:

My friday plans are: grocery shopping, nearly forgot itā€™s a holiday tomorrow here. I completely lost track of date and what day it is recovering from covid :see_no_evil:
And of course: sleeping! with cats on and around me.
No leftovers in the fridge so there will be cooking today.
Most basic chores are already done :blush:
Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m feeling a little bit better every day so I will enjoy whatever feels better today. Now in the morning itā€™s a bit more energy despite Iā€™m still very tired. Nice progress :+1:

Have a good sober friday friends!


Now that the electricity works again in our appartment I can finally get to my appointment at the hairdresser and swing on my way back at the supermarket and do the groceries.

I want to take the time in the evening to relax, do some Yin-Yoga, watch anime and just let go of this hectic day.


Happy Friday! Kiddo is still on Christmas break and I have a vacation day off. Going to go buy him some new undies & stuff (heā€™s growing each time I blink) :laughing: then maybe out to lunch, a few groceries ā€¦ And he wants to go see Trolls. Not my first pic but Iā€™ll deal :sweat_smile:


Today will be another exciting Friday of domestic chores and running errands! :partying_face: :laughing: Gonna pick up some cat food and cat meds. Maybe Iā€™ll pick up some food for myself while Iā€™m at it. :wink:


Hey gang, happy Friday!

Just another rainy day in paradise.

My wife has a 2nd interview today for a role at the biggest competitor of her last company. Fingers crossed!

Yesterday, we were talking about people in the tech industry who seem to land really good roles at really good companies with a job history of 9 months here, 12 months thereā€¦ people who held jobs at 9 different companies in 5 years. We looked at their profiles on linkedin and were like, how could you possibly start and complete 5 huge initiatives in 9 months? You canā€™t!

So this got me thinking, a game show where you take these seemingly successful people and scrutinize and verify their resumes, and the one the the most honest resume wins!

ā€œCharles, you said you were the director or marketing for xyz Tech co., well, we reached out to your manager and determined that, that was a lie, your title was actually Associate Marketing Manager. You also said you created and implemented the SEO marketing strategy, that was also a lie, it was Terry who did thatā€¦ minus 10 points.ā€.

It would be a hit!!! And maybe it would make people more honest!

Anyhow, happy Friday, letā€™s get that sober prize at the end of the day!


Sending good luck vibes to your wife!! :crossed_fingers: hope she nails that interview.

Love the idea of game show ā€“ Could use with a bit more honesty.



Oh man, I want to sit first row in this show and throw tomatoes for every uncovered fake :rofl::+1::dancer:

Of course good luck to your wife!


Bro, Iā€™d watch that show for real. Best of luck to your wife! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Hope everyone is having a Good Friday stay strong stay blessed :100:may God give you all the strength to keep pushing sobriety donā€™t lose hope :pray:t3:


You too! Have a great weekend. One day at a time! We got this!


Happy Friday, one and all!


I know Iā€™m late to this but my husband and I almost had the same conversation multiple times over the years. 23-24 year olds entering into full salaried engineer positions with the connections they had through school, externships, etc. and everyone else having to work with minimal benefits for years to ā€œproveā€ themselves even though their life experience is substantial. Not to mention a corporate culture of not keeping their experts with time with a company for some bottom line savings. It plagued us for a decade or so. Hang in there and I hope your wife finds her place soon.


Happy early Friday! We are about to get nailed by an increasingly severe winter storm, now with blizzard warnings and a foot or so (another foot!) predicted. Then subzero temps/windchills. Iā€™m not excited. I like the snow, I do, but I havenā€™t exactly prepared well. Time to check out what is in my freezer and pantry and hope we manage with that. I know we will. No one has to go anywhere so thatā€™s good. And I donā€™t have to prep for extra booze :rofl: My husband is on his own but I am thinking he will be taking it easy.


Same @RosaCanDo! 8-11 inches predicted here in my part of the state. I donā€™t have to work so I might snow suit up and venture out to play. I am enjoying this winter so much more when I am out in it. Walking home from work in cold air makes me appreciate lots of things. I sound high, I promise Iā€™m not, just genuinely happy.

I work the weekend so tomorrow is mine. Sewing, cooking, cleaning and general puttering :saluting_face: await. Stay safe and stay warm everybody.

How the whole Hearted search going Hoof? @HoofHearted
I couldnā€™t tag you in the sentence as that would ruin my excellent wordplay. :nerd_face: Fingers crossed and apologies in case I missed news elsewhere.


Happy sober friday folks!

What are your friday plans?

For me itā€™s an exciting day!
I was up at 5 without alarm which means back to normal after vaccation, a busy week, 2 weeks of covid and this week struggling with getting better and out of bed in the morning.

Hairdresser appointment at 11, a friend coming over for steak & baked potatoes in the afternoon. My inner voice tells me this is going to be a nice friday :hugs:

Good luck to all awaiting harsh weather conditions :pray:


I am enjoying so much more the same way! Iā€™m glad for it. I havenā€™t always felt like that. It feels like acceptance about everything all at once.


Good for you! I know a haircut always helps me feel better.


And it is really necessary. I wanted to go after vaccation, was too busy and now itā€™s nearly a month later. Oh my gosh how this hair gets on my nerves on some days :rofl:
I think this is the still recovering bitchy covid patient speaking who is annoyed that it takes this long to be fully restored :face_with_hand_over_mouth: