Friday Thread #3

Congrats on your new job Rosa! What a lovely way to start off the weekend.



Thanks! It was 6 or so months in the making and finally happened, so it feels real now!


Iā€™ll tell him someone says that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I hope its their time.

I always liked Pete Carroll, maybe thatā€™s a sore spot these days. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Edited to say my husband just re-assured me that liking Pete Carroll is always in season. Phew.

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Hey!! That is super exciting. New opportunities await. Congratulations!


Hey hey! Job offer! Fantastic! Congrats!


Thatā€™s great news!!! Congratulations on your new job Rosa :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Happy Friday one and all! Have a great Weekend!:partying_face::tada::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::tada::partying_face:


There it is!! Happy Friday to you! Iā€™ll be there in 4 hours and some change.


Good morning on this sober friday from this side of the world too :blush:

What are your plans for today?

Mine are: Cuddling cats, filling the trash bin, catching a bit up with officework, starting to read the new book I bought last week, basic chores, enjoy tasty leftovers.
Nap(s) included as I still deal with tiredness from covid.

Have a happy soberfriday folks! :sunflower:


It is just now midnight so it is technically Friday. I am going to work on Friday and I work the weekend but that is boring so I will tell you what I did today, my day off.

I put together a shelving unit I bought from Wayfair. I ordered two and only got one and one ugly barstool, which I didnā€™t order. Wayfair referred me to the manufacturers in China so I am confident this will be a long painful process to return/exchange for the second shelves.

A friend met me at my house tonight and we walked to a fancy dinner at a bistro. She treated me to dinner because I bought her a pair of snowshoes when I bought myself a pair. She is a friend I met when I worked in restaurants and we used to drink A LOT together. I am grateful our friendship survived my sobriety.

She is someone I still laugh a lot with and we will stumble through the snow together soon. At dinner I stuck to soda water and didnā€™t eat dessert to keep to my no-sugar January.

I donā€™t have another day off until February 4th so this one was full of the right amount of rest and social time. I took 2 weeks off in Feb so I will be working hard until then. No drinks and no regrets. Keep on keeping on my sober tribe.


Apart from the usual daily stuff, Iā€™m going to do groceries, like every Friday, butā€¦ Iā€™m going clubbing today in what feels like an eternity. At least to me. Music, DJ sets, dancing. Iā€™m so excited :blush:


Work dragging already and itā€™s Friday ten am :sob:.

The cats have been up since about two thirty amā€¦ Singing and dancing, so cat mom is very much ---- tired, letā€™s call it. They are now skidding and sliding in the bathtub so I assume they are having the best kitten hood ever and chirruping away happy. This fills me with so much happiness as no matter how tired I am, they are happy. :heart::heart:

Pretty standard Friday for me; training run at 4.30pm, then a mile swim to cap the week off. Iā€™ve already made the filling of a veggie lasagne yesterday (celery, carrot, leek, aubergine, olive, pepper, red lentils and courgette) ready to pop on when we get back. Then a film and early to bed. I really want a good sleep :sleeping: :pleading_face:.

So, sounds boring and like Iā€™m 105 rather than 44 but itā€™s my comfort level right now. My friends all have kids or live 100 miles away, so Iā€™m certain this is the most fun I can currently get up to tonight without jeopardizing my month. :muscle:


I donā€™t know, I think your Friday sounds pretty popping to me. :laughing: :partying_face: Getting good sleep is the new luxury and definitely my idea of fun.


HAPPY FRIDAY my sober peeps

I am awake and alert and feeling positive. Another gloomy day outside but that is ok cause the snow has melted and itll be 41 degrees today.

Plans for today - get caught up on TS, get my documents i need printed and hoping to drop off to the government office either today or first thing on Monday. Do some self care. Spend time with mom. Nothing exciting but hope to keep myself in a happy mode.

hyper-friday-dancing-funny-rxs36zupj5ddtv2l (1)


ā€œNobody puts baby in the cornerā€ was one of the absolute worst movie lines ever written. Bar none. :rofl::rofl:
Happy Friday Jasmine :wave:


:rofl: :rofl: lol- agreed - a cheesy movie with a cheesy line


Canā€™t believe Friday again. And need groceries, not so fun. Since making better choices eating, calls for more trips for fresh veggies and fruits. And need some supplies to make valentines for some of my family and a few friends. Checking off '23 cleanup and '24 planning. Less distraction on my phone, in my living space, guarding my self care. Cleaned up all my music playlists, sorting photos in the cloud this weekend. Excited for spring festivals to return, but being quieter and extra focus this winter helping my recovery too.


Yeah but when I watched it with my old granny (RIP) and she started asking who baby was, it fast became one of my fondest lines :pleading_face::rofl:


Iā€™ve dealt with that returns situation before, Wayfair connecting with the manufacturer in China etc. Stick to your guns and it may take a few back and forth emails but they will eventually take care of it, in my experience. I had to box up a faulty file cabinet but they had Fed Ex pick it up and I didnā€™t have to do anything other than stick a label on the package and put it out front. Good luck!


Thanks Rosa. Itā€™s thankfully the first time Iā€™ve had the wrong delivery. I am cautiously hopeful.