Friday Thread #3

You shush @Jasty2 love love love dirty dancing and a hunky patrick swayze saying Nobody puts baby in the corner!!


Wohooo, lasagna and cattainment, a cozy bed waiting for you to have a hopefully restful sleep. That kind of friday rocks :smiley::hugs::sleeping: No way boring, I would have killed for more fridays like this at 44 :blush:


:rofl:. You know better than to pay me any mind. Iā€™m probably just jealous. Plus I may have had a tiny crush on Jennifer Grey. :grin:


Lol just joshin ya


Had a cheeky McDonaldā€™s earlier with my boys!! Saved Mama cooking :dancer::dancer: currently trying to find something to watch on Netflix, Rocky snuggled next to me but can hardly hear the TV over his snoring, just aswell heā€™s too adorable!! Love a cosy, chilled evening!! :rose::v:


Spending my Friday and weekend immersed in work. Isolating myself from duties and responsibilities at home because my mental health needs space and time to itself.

Hopefully win the lottery so I can take a vacation from it all :pray::rofl:


Well, Iā€™m riding a dangerous tide. Didnā€™t go swimming or run, my hormones saw to that :pensive:

Discussed drinking, felt it grip my soulā€¦ Fought like hell. Settled for a vape instead, which I know isnā€™t ideal, but it happened and Iā€™m sober.

Iā€™m hanging on :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: lasagne helping. Cats helping.
That was close.


Lasagna always helps as far as im concerned. Well done.


A person can never go wrong with lasagna. Garfield the cat swears by it, so I believe.


Well you kids all have fun tucked away watching a movie, or snuggled up with lasagna, I am off to sit in an ice cold rink (and not just for tonight but tomorrow night as well, yeehaw what a time)
Calling for 10cm (4 inches to my American friends) so the drive home could be interesting. Only an hour each way to my sonā€™s home rink so weā€™ll have to bundle up.

You all enjoy a sober and safe evening, and make sure ya plan to get to gym tomorrow or a nice morning walk (if posssible) to get the blood pumping.

Till tomorrow, wish you all the best of nights.


Say a heartfelt fuck off to your hormones, I cheer on you :clap::woman_fairy: Your plate looks sooo good, enjoy your full tummy. Tomorrow itā€™s easier, keep going :people_hugging::zzz:


Thank you. Yeah Iā€™ll try again tomorrow with some self care. Tonight is about being easy and staying clean.


Some days itā€™s enough to put a sober head on the pillow. Perfectly enough :kissing_cat:


'Sup gang!

The highlight of the day and week, my wife finally had an interview for her dream job, at her dream company that she applied for over a month ago.

She said it went really, REALLY well. They actually went 15 minutes over as they were deep in conversation; thatā€™s a good sign probably.

Anyways, we hope this bears fruit as the pickings are slim for her.

Right now, Iā€™m taking Penny to her 2nd dentist appointment ever for a checkup and cleaning. Sheā€™s scared but Iā€™m being brave for her, so its ok for her to be a little scared. :blush:

No plans this evening. Gonna just hang out at home, maybe write a song? Who knows.


Love me a skinny braid!!

Sending positive juju to Penny and most especially to your wife. :sparkles:


Penny is the cutest and bravest big girl. Hey I still get scared shit when going to the dentist. Glad her daddy will be right by her side.

Sending positive vibes for your wife.


Decided that today is the start of my birthday week :rofl: My bday is Wednesday and my husband leaves on a work trip Sunday morning, heā€™ll be back late Friday night. Then we are going to Madison, WI for an overnight visit next weekend in celebration. But that means I will be alone on my birthday for the first time in my life. I am working through some sad feelings around that, especially considering I donā€™t have any good friends IRL here where I live where I can make my own plans. So I will plan some fun things for me to do on my own this week and maybe watch my favorite chick flicks (the BBC miniseries of Pride and Prejudice comes to mind!) on the day along with special treats, something I wouldnā€™t do if my husband was here but that I enjoy. I have to do some shopping for work appropriate clothes, too, and I have all week to space it out, considering I really dislike shopping for clothes! It will be okay and I will make good use of the solo time.

Tonight, though, we are headed to a bar that has an arcade in the basement. With all sorts of vintage games as well as traditional arcade games like skee-ball and air hockey. I love going there! We are meeting up with some friends, I think this group of my husbandā€™s coworkers that did trivia night with us over the summer at a bar may very well be turning into a friend group. It certainly is a quirky bunch, engineers are quirky, at least these guys are, and one guy sometimes brings his wife, who I am starting to become friends with ISH, heavy on the ish. She and I might have too much in common if that makes sense :rofl: She just had her birthday a week or so ago so weā€™ll celebrate both. Iā€™m grateful I can go to places that serve alcohol these days and not be phased by it, at least not until drunk people around us start getting obnoxious. The wife/friend I mentioned also doesnā€™t drink so thatā€™s nice, all the other guys do but they usually keep it to a full roar. Anyway, off to play some games! Enjoy your Friday, friends/amix!


Hope her appointment went without a hitch! Pediatric dentists are very special people. And sending all the good vibes to your wife on that position!!!


What a cutie! And Dad ainā€™t looking half bad either. So wonderful you are present and able to support her. Score one for long-term sobriety!!


@tragicfarinelli That lasagna looks delicious. Great work on fighting those urges and fuck those damn hormones! Hope you enjoyed your day :hugs:
@chevy55 hope your sonā€™s games went well. Be safe driving home.
@hoofhearted OH that is great news ā€“ hope your wife hears back soon and its good news. Hope the dentist goes well ā€“ that is a lovely picture with beautiful smiles :heart:
@rosacando Love the kick off for a birthday week! Happy early birthday Rosa! Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate tonight. Hope you are having a wonderful time!