Friday Thread #3



This about right for my Friday this Friday (after therapy that is)


Hahaha, this is me right now!
I wanted to nap but woke up 5 hours later totally not knowing where I am or what day it is :joy:



Itā€™s Friday. Which means itā€™s pizza day. :love_you_gesture::grin:


Hey congrats on your recent sober baby! @Jasty2


Friday over here! I slept late after a very long week and am letting my robot vac tidy while I read on the couch. Tonight is a night for cooking. On the menu: zuppa toscana, potato and radish cold salad, egg salad, cupcakes and a huge piece of store bought garlic bread smothered in cheese and butter. Keep it yummy out there folks. :yum:
Also after a stressful night where my sweet cat turned into a demon from hell I will only be watching comedic movies tonight and laughing alone on my couch.


Iā€™m a day late but I THOUGHT of you and the friday thread. Hope that counts :grin:
Fell asleep before I would read or post anything as it was a busy and neat friday :pray::blush:


Have an awesome Friday and amazing weekend, friends!:ok_hand:t3:


I am new here, and we get a Friday Thread? Thisā€¦ makes things even better when it gets hereā€¦ Haha. I love it.


Oh yes, we do, and itā€™s glorious! I still have several hours until I cross the temporal threshold into friday.


Good Morning Matti @Planipennia :grin::grin::grin::grin:

@WesS Yes Wes, we get a friday thread and we loooove it :+1::blush:

So happy sober friday folks!
What are doing today?

Here itā€™s past 5 a.m., Iā€™ve been up for an hour already, the weather forecast is heat up to 35 Ā°C followed by nightly thunderstorms :face_vomiting::face_with_spiral_eyes::hot_face:

I use the solstice / full moon energy to clean, declutter and let go. Physically & mentally. My soul needs a deep clean, my mind needs refocussing on myself and what I can do.
I enjoy this time of the year very much spiritually, not so much weatherlike.

So it will be 3 more hours of working around physically, then a loooong
refreshing shower, hopefully some office work, meeting my counsellor for lunch, another shower when I come home again and hiding from the heat inside the house, blinds & windows closed from 7 a.m. on, keeping the morning cool inside as good as possible.
I see a long nap and lots of peppermint tea in the afternoon, maybe again some knitting and a Miss Marple film.
Early to bed as I want to go taking pictures tomorrow morning on the farm. Sunrise, full moon and the beauty of summer.


Happy Friday everyone, and a glorious midsummer from here, where the sun doesnā€™t set! :sunny:

@erntedank oh that sounds way too hot for me too. I hope you get to cool off also. Itā€™s barely 15 degrees Celsius here.

Iā€™m gonna be packing my stuff some more. My friends will pick up the first load on Monday. Iā€™m almost packed. There are some things I cannot pack yet, but come next weekā€™s Thursday, the second, and final load will be packed away. Iā€™ll stay behind and clean the apartment, Iā€™ve been doing a bit of that already.

The other day we had a wee get together, like a farewell party with some friends, and it was lovely. Iā€™m gonna miss these people here. So many great memories.

Today weā€™re also gonna have a bbq with my godsonā€™s family. Should be nice! :blossom::yellow_heart::sunglasses:


15 degrees and bbq sounds heavenly!
wish you a good move :hugs:


I was supposed to camp with friends at a tiny outdoor festival this weekend but I am just not feeling the outdoors, the heat or the idea of a lot of socializing. Maybe that makes me a party pooper but I am looking forward to 4 days to do whatever I want.
Who knows what I will come up with but it wonā€™t involve work.
Happy friday all!


This also sounds heavenly :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:
I guess I donā€™t want to leave my cool house. But I have to. One more appointment and 1 delivery in 1 hour and then ā€¦ weekend!!!


Friday, and Midsummer Eve.
Happy Midsummer everyone.


Feeling sleepy :yawning_face: itā€™s too hot, next week it will be 26, but without AC and in London it feels like the sun. Airless and smokey and noisy. I feel like every single water pipe has been dug up in our surrounding area for months and itā€™s so annoying to even get out of our little private close and onto a main road. I think you can only imagine this if you think of moving one mile every 35 minutes. We have been walking everywhere for this reason, but now itā€™s really hot. Anyway, humbug, I hate summer.

We have the option to take ourselves and the cats to the countryside for an extended time next week so we might do Wednesday to Sunday there instead of here in London, itā€™s so much cooler in a house with a garden and true terrestrial brickwork.

Will drag myself to yoga and the treadmill later today and then have a relaxing weekend. A few chores planned for tomorrow and a few hours sitting in the park with the crossword and coffee. Football. Need to get a good shop in as we have carrots and ginger beer left :rofl::rofl:

We lose a minute of sunlight most days from the 30/6 onwards, roll onā€¦ I just wish we could keep an extended spring and autumn and a short summer and winter. We are hoping at least (and have the plans in writing) that our wooden balconies will be replaced with galvanised aluminium by Christmas which will mean selling is then an option with the mandatory fire regulations in place now. We are open to Wales, Wiltshire and Hampshire so far. So I might spend some of the weekend dreaming :rofl:

Have a good one all.


Happiest of Fridays folks!

I have been up since literally the crack of dawn today and alot of the night with a poorly daughter who has a very bad cough! However i have soldiered on and tackled my garden like a trooperā€¦i have trimmed my bushes and cut my grass before i lost my little dog Reggie within the jungle it was becoming! After becoming a somewhat sweaty mess i am now showered, feeling fresh and accomplished! I reckon i have earned tonights take away :muscle::muscle:

Have a wonderful Friday you fabulous lot :heart: :people_hugging:


Mission accomplished :+1:
I canā€™t believe it, I ticked off EVERYTHING of todayā€™s do-do-list!
Bought sandwiches from my favourite shop to reward and spoil me :blush: And the evening will be spend on the couch. Flat. Iā€™m done, showered, tired, full. Inside itā€™s still tempered and I love my comfy farmhouse. What a nice & fine friday :blush:


Happy Friday gang!

Question of the week: whatā€™s something you know now, you wished you knew then?

For me, itā€™s that your diet is for weightloss, lifting is for muscle and cardio is for heart/lung health.

I spent a lot of time in the past focusing on the wrong activities for the wrong reasons and was discouraged when I failed to see results.

Anyhow, I have work from home today, so itā€™ll be an easy low key day. Gym later this afternoon and my sonā€™s last day of middle school, heā€™ll officially be a highschooler later today.

The weather is starting to warm up and plan on spending some time on the back deck today!