Friday Thread #3

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a great Friday.

I’ve been a bit busy lately, I’m actually moving away from the Arctic circle area, 7 hour drive towards the south to the west coast. I grew up there and lived most of my life there.

So I’ve been packing and arranging things. My friends from the west coast have been telling me for years now that they’ll pick me and my stuff from here. Now it’s their time to deliver! :smiley:

Today I’ve been mostly working out giving away, and selling stuff on Facebook groups, and so far it has been surprisingly successful!

I wish you all a great weekend! :blossom::sunny::yellow_heart:


Wow! Big changes! I hope it all goes smoothly for you :heartpulse:


Thank you Rosa! :orange_heart: I hope so too! And yeah, some big changes for sure. I’ve been looking for apartments from there every now and then for some years, but now I found a suitable one.


The meeting was awful!
Please someone kick me :face_holding_back_tears:


You made it through, your sobriety’s intact and you didn’t commit a crime (right?). Have a nice rest of your Friday!

I’m doing nothing today, after getting Luna her monthly anti arthritis shot and doing PT on my shoulder myself. I’ve got a working weekend coming up. Right now it’s a bit loud outside as it’s the yearly event where sick and handicapped kids and their families are driven to the zoo (around the corner here) by local emergency services for a special night out. It started 25 years ago, just before I came to live here so it’s a yearly tradition for me and Luna too. Luna doesn’t care much, but the dog upstairs has been howling along for the last hour or so. It’ll be over soon enough :dog: Have a great Friday all!


I’m sorry meeting was so awful…no kicking… sending a big :people_hugging: and hopefully the rest of your day is relaxing


That is a sweet thing your city does but the loud sirens going for an hour or more can be distressing. Glad it will be over soon so you, Luna and the dog can relax


Happy Friday gang!

Nothing much happening here. Weather is nice today, sunny with a high of 73°f/22°c.

I’m taking the day off work since I’ll be working tomorrow, so it’s a good opportunity to get out and mow the lawn.

Exciting times!


I’m about to mow as well. We’ve got yet more rain forecast tomorrow so I need to get ahead of it. :+1:t3:


Good plan, mowing wet grass is no fun at all! I don’t know how anyone can do that; it gums up my mower everytime I’ve tried.


Skythe. I’ll be soon in the situation where the only thing working is a skythe. No chance of mowing here, I would burry every machine in mud or soaking wet soil.
Enjoy your mows @RosaCanDo and @HoofHearted :sunglasses::smile::smile::smile::smile:


Kind of drowns out the seals … but fun for the families to feel like they’re in a parade! Hope they all had a wonderful time. What a nice thing for the emergency services to do. :purple_heart:


This Friday marks the end of a very busy week for me and I’m happy to see it. 5 more hours of work separate me from my weekend.

I will have worked 56 hours this week by the end of tonight so tomorrow is my day. Books, sweatpants, a hammock and some homemade bread are my only plans. I might clean if I get bored enough but I doubt it.

Sunday I hope to ride my bike down to my city’s Pride festival to walk around and maybe (gasp!) be social on a weekend. I’m craving sunshine on my face.

Happy weekends sober warriors.


All is good, no crime :grinning: It was too much information in a very short time period after the most stressful day of the week.
I ate, showered, had some tea and I’m sober.
I won :heart:


You’re never alone! You have us!
( I understand what you’re saying though. Not making light of it xxx )


Hey ya’ll glad its friday.

Started out well with a run. Work is a shit show and nobody in leadership can tell me what the strategy is. I cant deal with such poor planning and execution. I wanted to stick around until im 100% vested with 401k but i dont know if i can deal with this shit show for another year. But my iffy job history due to my addiction is giving me pause. I guess ill ask my higher power :confused:

At home. Coffee and Boscoe are good. The nights looking up


Have a great and sober weekend, friends!


Nah its still thursday


Happy Friday friends!


Not much planned today. Had a bit of a backslide yesterday so going to take it easy and go with the flow. Starting of with a good coffee and a walk :smiling_face:


Happy FREYday, one and all!