Friday Thread #3

Sorry to read about your mum, @TrustyBird :slightly_frowning_face: Aging parents can bring such stress and worry, regardless of the nature of our relationship with themā€¦


Sorry to hear that, my condolences.
For me Beethovenā€™s 9th is always a goto and Aida. And of course the prisonerā€™s choral from Nabucco. Hugs to you :people_hugging:
If you like musicals: Mr Mistoffeles from Cats :smile_cat:


Iā€™m glad you decided to go on your trip and have gotten some semblance of reassurance about how your mom is doing. That sounds like a heavy situation. You know Iā€™m around if you ever need/want a chat, amiga.


Damn, that sounds sudden and shocking. Sorry to hear youā€™ve gotten that news. It it tough when people youā€™ve interacted with anywhere, but work especially, pass away suddenly - many folks spend so much of their life at work that it feels personal to hear that news, makes you think about how vulnerable humans are in this life. Sending hugs.


Oh Yoko is a personal favorite.
@HoofHearted I get cheered up by stuff I listened to in my youth (well, I still do) but Soundgarden is a favorite, turned up loud, because it gets me amped and is a great distraction. Rusty Cageā€¦that vein of sound. I also love Stevie Wonder songs like Superstition, Master Blaster, Sir Duke.


Look at todayā€™s t-shirt, @RosaCanDo, I love 'em! :metal:


OK, note to self: Never stop at a 7-11 right after work on a Friday night! The line of people was insanely long. Everyone is getting their six-packs and 40-ouncers and gearing up for their weekends. Forgot what that was like. To think I was once one of the minions doing the very same thing. It was another lifetime ago.



Right on, man! :metal:t3:

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I was just thinking about that. Id leave work early and be agitated at the grocery store trying to rush home and chug like $200 of liquor in 2 days. Liquor and those fruity waters because i was trying to not gain more weight. 1000s of calories in 1 long as sitting after another.I didnt know there was another way because i couldnt envision living beyond my addiction. I associated my addiction with fun, freedom, my personality. What a blessing to be desperate enough to try something different!


I feel this - one of the best things about sobriety for me is being able to have full weekend plans without the shame of having to find an excuse to cancel them last minute because of simply being too hungover from the night before or drunk already :nauseated_face:


Iā€™ve lost all of my games, but Iā€™ve got a lot of experience on how to not lose next time.:wink: We were the hosts this time. So we had to prepare snacks and the gym. I was glad that the weekend was over and only work was waiting for me.:smiley:


I like the positive attitude of coming out with skills to win next time-- main thing is to have fun. Hosting and setting it up sounds tiring. Glad you have work to relax at :laughing:

Hoping for a easy going day for you today!


Happy Friday one and all!

This weekend will be again high sportive.:smile: We will see the outcome soon.:wink:

Have a nice a sober weekend!





Have a great time being sporty. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Happy Friday everyone! Fall officially starts in 2 days :jack_o_lantern::ghost::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::turkey:


Happy Friday! Finished my first week back at work! Made nice pasta and tuna salad for dinner. Took a walk to the supermarket and picked up lots of half price sashimi for dinner tomorrow. :fish:


Oh yeah friday!!!
Happy sober friday folks!
What are you doing?

Here itā€™s beautiful fall weather, itā€™s mid afternoon and Iā€™m done :joy: @tailee17 your meme made my day :+1: Iā€™m feeling it.

Was up early, morning chores went all mixed up because I was heavily confused :see_no_evil::joy:
Had a nice long chat with a neighbour that messed my schedule. The meeting with my councellor was good, I really appreciate her input.
Got derailed by visiting a furniture store spontaneously on my way home. Oh my gosh can I get lost when having something on my mind and go hunting for ideas :see_no_evil:

I will get a heart attack when I pay the current bill for all the work on the stonewalls, stones and driveway. And yesssss, they have time ressources available next 2 weeks so I ordered to continue with the next stonewall behind the carport. What gets done is done. When this project will be finished the driveway in front of the house can be finished whenever I have money. And an offer that suits me.

You canā€™t imagine how happy I am that the carport is empty. No stones anymore on the left side :hugs:

Have a wonderful friday soberonies. Me is off to the couch now, maybe a nap, maybe making more jam in the evening. Or just chilling, series, reading and cuddling cats. Both are lovely friday plans for the rest of the day :blush:


Happy Fried Eggs, everyone! :egg: :nest_with_eggs:

Itā€™s going to be a great day. All the stresses and challenges of this past week are far behind me nowā€¦and I am NOT going to screw up today!!! :sunglasses::muscle:


Well, after a week of crud (a cold brought home from my husbandā€™s work) and a knee injury Iā€™m getting ready to drive 9ish hours with my husband to help my family move my brother and sister in law into their new home. Itā€™s going to be an excellent move for them, a bigger house and closer to family. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing my family even though itā€™s a brief visit. Not looking forward to the drive, though! We will get in late and have a full day tomorrow. Now I have to get the house in order for the dog sitters and get packed! My fella has to work half day and then we hit the road.