"functioning alcoholic"

I am in the final 30 days of writing my master thesis and I just promised my girlfriend to keep sober until printing and delivery. I have been “functioning” for 2 years and I am tired of it. I am through with this and I want to stay sober. If not for me, then for my fantastic girl and my gem of a little son. Any advice? I keep wanting to reward myself after a job well done… I run 20k a week to cope, and I love to exercise, but somehow I want to drink…

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Well, you likely need to figure out what you are drinking at. All that running as well. Seems you like to escape reality. Perhaps start with that why.


What do you think that drinking gives you? I was functional too, mostly early in my drinking, then I was just a walking automaton waiting for work to end so I could “loosen up”


I was high functioning too. Working on your master’s and regular exercise are high-level achievements. Have you stopped to consider what higher things await, if you stay sober? A mate and a son are solid motivations to be the best that you can be. You clearly have the self-discipline to make and achieve the objectives you set for yourself. Consider sobriety the next mountain to climb, skill to master, objective to be seized…and get after it!


I was high functioning as well, but the damage alcohol did to my liver was still there; the need to drink to “help” my anxiety lingered every…single night–until I gave up alcohol completely.
It’s hard, staying sober isn’t a cake walk, it gets easier over time, but I wouldn’t have made it this far without the support I have here, AA and my family.


And your will to win, don’t forget that while you are getting better, at getting better.

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Very much so, you’re right. The preparation and will it takes to win, will always have you ready. :muscle:

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There’s a few us alcoholics who held it together for a while. I graduated law school and became a fairly successful lawyer as a full blown drunks and then drug addict. But eventually all the plates I was juggling crashed to the ground. I’m glad you’re making changes before it’s to late.


Very with the functioning alcoholic. Trying to pick up the pieces and say why? All I know is to fight back with all we got.

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Thank you all for your shared wisdom, and inspiration! :mortar_board:
It may well be that I need to figure out why I started this “reward/escape system” in the first place.
I am also very aware that a “functioning” alcoholic is not that different from a full blown alcoholic. I have just felt that I am under control and so far the “want to” drink has exceeded the will to stop. Slowly I’ve come to Realize that it is hard to cope with the thought of never drinking again…

… But it is highly motivating to hear from people that have been in my situation that are now recovering! I want to stop before I damage my family life or health any further.
I will keep checking in here, for a starters.


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I think of it the same way. Loosen up after work. Rewarded by the buzz. It’s sad when you think about it that way…

This is pure motivation. You shed light on the things I should be happy to be rid of, instead of the focusing on the love sickness. That helps a lot with my way of thinking about this! Thank you❤️