Gambling addiction 24 Y/0

Hey guys im new here im 24 years old and i have just realized i have a very unhealthy gambling addiction anyone here feel like they want to quit but then end up getting sucked back into it by the end of the week.


Welcome :wave: I don’t have a gambling addiction myself but a member of my family does. It is devastating if it isn’t tackled and taken care of. It’s good you recognize this now.

It is possible to get past it with support and effort. Have you looked at joining a Gamblers Anonymous meeting or another recovery meeting? Talking Sober is helpful too :innocent:

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I know that the first step is realizing i have a problem but i find it hard to talk to people i care for about my problem it makes me feel so weak because it has such a grasp on me. Its honestly embarrassing that i cant get a grip on this… i have a house and a family and i feel if i dont get this under wraps soon its only going to impact my life negatively.

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Have u tried signing up to the sites that ban u from it all? Self exclusion? I had that addiction for a time so i get it, thats how i stopped myself initially but then u gotta look at the whys …what are your reasons for doing it?


That’s one of the reasons sober communities like Talking Sober and Gamblers Anonymous are so helpful. You’re never alone. We have all been there.

Addiction is about control: the addiction controls you.

Health (which includes being sober, for us) is about healthy acceptance of boundaries, and supporting those boundaries by making friendships and developing habits that are helpful.

Have a read around here on threads and you’ll see some of the ways people live. Focus on the people who are building up sobriety time (the checkin thread is good for this). You’ll notice patterns of behaviour in people who have a healthy life.

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As a compulsive gambler who is 550 days since my last bet I would strongly recommend going to a meeting and getting advice and help.

You’ve nothing to lose as whatever you’re doing currently hasn’t worked.


From my end, it looks as though my post has been copied and pasted here. I’m not sure if it to be used as an example or just a coincidence?

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It’s a coincidence. When the link to a thread is copied from the main list of threads, the default is whatever the most recent post is on whatever thread you’re linking, and in this case that was your post: you happened to be the most recent poster there when I copied the link.

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I did think that could be the case, but just wanted to double check :blush:

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How is it going?

Gambler-I just started my sobriety and completed day 1. I hope you are doing well

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It’s a little known fact that I went a short streak with gambling. I don’t gamble anymore and I don’t know that would consider myself addicted to it for that period of time. I remember I used to get completely engrossed in it and I would just be in my own little world for hours and hours on end. I stopped gambling quick sharp when I put a £1000 spread bet on a roulette wheel and lost it. I’m certainly not saying put yourself in that position mentally or literally … but you are also at the same risk other addicts are where you can lose everything only a damn sight quicker.