Gardening In Recovery

Those are tomatillos. A staple in Mexican cooking. I use them for green salsa and other things too. So tasty!

I should say it’s the first time I’ve grown them myself and I’m very proud!


Heard of them and think I’ve seen them in the supermarket but never tried them yet.
Anything you grow yourself normally tastes better but has that intrinsic pride factor as a bonus.
I’ve some cherry tomatoes ready in the greenhouse and they taste soo sweet off the plant.


I sooo want a greenhouse someday. I do have one cherry tomato plant that has fruit that’s just ripening. It’s hard to harvest without eating them all!


My cactus who I decided to name Carl is growing still. Does anyone know if I’m suppose to put him in a bigger pot?


Which relationship did you have to a Carl? Just trying to understand the name :grimacing: was it a good or a bad Carl?


Lol I actually don’t know a Carl. It just sounded good Cactus Carl


Ha! Franzi that made me laugh out loud for real!!!

Cacti don’t need big pots but it might be happier in a clay/terracotta pot that has good drainage. They also need special soil that is well draining. It looks happy though!

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Thanks! I’ll look for him a different pot and hopefully he won’t die in the transfer :flushed:

You could wait till the heat of the summer has passed for sure. And do some cactus repotting research! I’m far from an expert. I’ve used brown paper bags to move the pokey plants in the past FYI!

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Research is in order for sure. I’ll watch some YouTube videos. I’m pretty excited he isn’t dead yet to be honest lol

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He looks weird and quirky, just my taste! A beautiful Carl lol

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Nothing to harvest yet but it is okay for me. Happy that somehow the chili catch up and maybe the bell pepper will ripe. Don’t want to eat it green.

Dora and Paula are happy too although I NEED to supervise them.


Front yard fun. I love my hibiscus. I can’t take much credit for them though. They really like it better when I ignore them. It rains several times a week and hubby fertilizes the yard every so often, so I don’t really have much to do but enjoy!


My dad is so funny… these are the tomatoes we have this year besides the tiny tims.

And we have had some nice cobs of corn, first year growing it. I see there are some ears almost ready now…


@Its_me_Stella those tomatoes look yummy! I’ve never seen any like that :purple_heart::heart:

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I love little heirlooms like those!

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The little container garden that could! :steam_locomotive: I have my work cut out for me this weekend. I’m grateful I feel up to it.


I love all the veggies you’ve gotten! I’ve been wanting to try growing vegetables, but part of it is getting the area ready to do it and there is an ant problem here that won’t quit. One of my neighbors is really good about trying to kill them off but my other neighbor won’t do anything about it until her house has ants inside of it, and only then she just takes care of whatever room they’re in.

Your tomatoes look amazing! One day I’m going to give them a try. Maybe next year…:thinking:


Carl got a new pot