Gardening In Recovery

2 things…1) from what i read…expect 30% of seeds to grow…2) what I learned…some seeds jist take time to sprout…


What @Thirdmonkey said! If you plant more seeds per pot you have more chances of some sprouting and then you can thin the seedlings appropriately.


For some reason my @ tag isnt working :frowning: thanks for the replies. I planted like 3 seeds per pod. I guess i just have to be patient…one of my character defects…


Navel orange tree. Growing stronger in the greenhouse for 3 months or so, planted in the ground yesterday.
Probably do my lemon tree in the next few days, although I might wait until next year because it’s quite small.

Of course I had two extra special helpers//hole-digging supervisors.
Now I just gotta stop them from pissing on it.


Day 10 of hydro experiment. 9 outta 12 pods are growing!


That is great!


Exciting! I have a small unit that was gifted to me and I got some lettuce pods that I need to try out! I hope they aren’t old and not viable now.


You should @RosaCanDo

Thanks @Thirdmonkey

Im a little nervous the water pump isnt working because the water level hasnt moved in 10 days but maybe i just am a worry wart and need to be patient


Dear sober garden folks,
it’s time to start the season with the ones who need time to sprout & grow.
I feel happy. One more try to get a harvest this year. After 4 years without notable harvest. :vulcan_salute:


Sweet little seedlings! Do they have drain holes? It is hard to tell what the containers are made of.

We had a couple of days of killing freeze while we were out of town, but my succulents survived (on porch, under tarp). I think the lavender will be fine as well. I have a LOT of lavender, as deer do not care for it. Potted ferns did not survive and are in our compost.

I have so so many seeds to sow…but will sow directly once the time is right.

Wishing your little seedlings lots of growth!!


How are these doing?

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:blush: No, the white one is a cream cheese pack with jalapenos and the glass is a normal little shot glass with physalis. I’m very careful for mold, they will be repotted next week.
This arrangement is more or less catproof :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grin:

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Ah good! I was worried for their wet feet.

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@SassyRocks you read my mind. I was just thinking i hadnt done an update. Basil went wild. Mint is growing. Thyme is healthy. Sage is coming along…i dont even know what i’ll use the sage leaves for. Ive cooked with the cilantro, basil, and thyme. Trashed the cilantro plant because it started flowering and wasnt flavorful.

I have sooooo much to learn on taking cuttings.


Oh wow, it looks so beautiful!!

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Wow this is incredible. Very impressive.


@Cjp That looks great! What a harvest. Nothing better than fresh herbs :yum:

@SassyRocks I normally use pots but for this sow probe the tiny containers were just right. They would have been thrown away after 3 weeks of no sprouting. They don’t get damped much. Just to stay a bit moist.
I’ll test some old seed if it’s still ok the next weeks, so more of this “catproof” arrangements will follow.
I’m looking forward to your pictures :smiley:
Thanks for the tip on lavender and deers. Once I hopefully own the farm alone I’ll give this a try to protect my veggie fields better. Brain runs wild on the idea of planting 200 lavender plants, another reason to make this dream come true. I’ve been entertaining this idea for about 6 years but noooo way with the ex. MAYBE this year :innocent::sun_with_face::revolving_hearts::heartpulse::green_heart:


I don’t have a garden as such, but we do have a wee balcony for growing fresh cat nip and a planter for herbs.

And I like my indoor few plants…

And my terrariums


A lavender farm is a wonderful thing. I have about 30 plants right now…more to come! Especially as the deer don’t care. Same for rosemary, sage, thyme, etc. And the herbs grow beautifully here and winter over.


Lovely terrariums!!