Gardening In Recovery

I love everything about this!

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Hehe :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: avocado love

Love it Julia! Your avacado rap had me cracking up.:joy: Who needs alcohol to be silly and have fun? Not you!!


Heck to the no i dont! :laughing:


omg i lovvvvvve this! :joy:

can you please do another gardening rap? pretty please? (you see my issues, just can’t stop at one… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)

ok. no pressure. this was a delight! :pray: :orange_heart:


I like it. :avocado:


Omg this was amazing!!! Can’t love it enough!!! Thanks for the wonderful avocado shout out

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Omg! I love this! And avocados. Plus your place looks cool. :partying_face:

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I rearranged and repotted some of my plants. This is the woodland container garden in my yard towards the street.
From left to right: Horse chestnut in its new 130 litre pot, oak tree, sycamore tree and black elder. A jasmine on the trellis. Then lots of ferns, hostas and hellebore in smaller pots or as ground cover under the trees.


It’s lovely! What a nice space.


Looking good Ray. We had our 1st spuds yesterday planted 17th March they are 1st earlies called swift. Usually take 10 weeks from sowing to boiling but owing to the weather we are a few weeks behind. I think i look forward to that first boiling more than i do out first tomatoes :+1:

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Planted my first two types of 1st Pentland and Maris Pipers , i chitted one and not the other still came up ok . my 2nds charlotte and main King Edwards , not flowering yet


I’ve been putting together some planters with flowers and foliage. Great therapy. I’ve got some more to do for my back patio but I like what I’ve put out front. I also planted a lilac bush in that far corner :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And the lilies that came with the house have started flowering! So glad to have made quick work of the mulching out front. Not too bad at 12 2-cubic ft bags of the stuff. I love this natural cypress mulch with a golden tone as opposed to the dark brown stuff that was there, disintegrating.


Now things have warmed up everything is really taking off! But this time of year in Colorado I have a severe thunderstorm warning several times a week, and a golf ball sized hail storm just missed me last week. Fingers crossed I continue to have good luck.

I’m so happy spending time in my garden and it has been something that I wanted for a very long time. When I am out in the garden I am so grateful for my sobriety and get overcome with emotion reflecting on how far I have come over the last few years. Everything seems possible now and nothing seemed possible when I was drinking my last year or two.


suns out for a change


Raining for ever here but i think the veg like it


Nice! Everything is thriving with all that rain. The upside is you haven’t had to water yourself. :sweat_smile:


Wow! Everyone has some thriving and healthy gardens!! Love seeing them. I am having visiting Japanese beetles (hand picking them off) on our zinnias and some deer visitors who love daylilies (ongoing issue). I am slowly transitioning my poorly planned front gardens into more native herb gardens (not favored by deer). The wildflowers, natives and lavenders are doing well tho. I need to harvest the lavender (have several more stands of it), but the bees are enjoying it so much…


Looking good


first harvest my 1st potatoes Pentland firths one tub still got some firsts and seconds and main crop 10 tubs ,