Planted Herb Garden. Will keep you informed. I have had for a couple years. Seeds might be old but we shall see. Another box out of closet from past drunken ambitious shopping. I was always hoping I would set it up. Soberly I accomplished the task. No dog this week and will maybe have to move up higher.
I’ve never seen something like this before Looks cool!
And yeah to complete tasks
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It is called an Aerogarden. Keep it watered /light in front tells you when to water. and feed it plant food every two weeks. Light is automatic 15 hours. Unfortunately seed pods are few years old . I will know in two weeks if they will sprout.
My Basil has sprouted! Wow hopefully others will show soon. How fun!
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Really looking forward to seeing your little seedlings showing their heads.
Lill sweet baby plant!!!
Your garden is beautiful, Ray. I’m amazed at how many different areas you have, and yet there’s always some more room for another bed! It makes me happy to think how much joy this garden brings to you and your family.
Very nice job…
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