
Thanks for that. I didn’t have a clue what it was :joy:

“Gaslighting” is a trite term for mental manipulation for the purpose of gaining an advantage or control over another individual. I see it as a tool for the passive/aggressive individual, as opposed to verbal intimidation by a plain old aggressive bully.

How do you deal with it? The same way you deal with any passive/aggressive individual: you call them out on it. Passive/aggressives are generally cowards, and when confronted, they back down.

Or, you could just end the relationship and move on to better things. Life’s too short to waste it with those playing mental games.


This rings so true, I was told I was overreacting, making out that I was paranoid, even though I had evidence and witnesses. He would manipulate what I said and events to make me out to be wrong and convince other people it was me with the problem :pensive:. You have to take a step away and remove yourself from the scene. It is a painful process to go through. The truth will always come out in the end. There is no point playing into their games, they will always change the rules to suit them. I hope you will find the strength to over come this and everything works out for you. They have the problem, not you :hugs:


Hi @Peanut76, I saw something today that is in the same vein of your topic… It’s not signs of gaslighting, but signs of a healthy relationship. Maybe you could see how many of these flags are a part of the relationship you have in question.



She’s got great content!

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