Gave in on day #3

Yes! Thank you :slight_smile:

today i had an urge not because I was sad/stressed, but just because im in a good mood and with it being Friday night and I dont have work il 1 tomorrow that I could afford to let loose a little…but I kicked the urge by coming home to take a hot shower, make hot coco, and now curled up in bed :3


Have a wonderful sober evening :hugs::sleeping_bed:

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Hi, I am 32 days sober, 6 days out of treatment, it is my first time. I’ve been drinking, using since I was 17 and I’m 51. I got off work today and didn’t really crave alcohol, but I thought I’d “ test myself”, I had 3 white claw tall ones, and much to my surprise I didn’t think it tasted good, nor did I like the way I was feeling, maybe it was guilt. I have been drinking and using for years now daily, and I was sure that it would taste amazing, I do regret it.
The ways that I’m dealing with being sober, I hit meetings, talk with the friends I met in treatment, I got a bike and ride, go kayaking, and most importantly I sometimes have to force myself but I talk to my family and friends, I have to refrain from isolating. Im starting realize how bad I felt, and how unhappy my loved ones were( and me) I didn’t realize how miserable I was, and how I had lost myself to substances. I had started taking opiates because I felt so shitty from drinking and they helped me feel better, I’d never guess at this point I’d be struggling more with my short time of opiate use.
I will embrace how much better I feel mentally and physically, I actually even like work better.
Don’t give up, three days is big, start again, keep going.
I’m new at this. I don’t know if that helped you or me? Lol
One day at time, that does help.


Double digits Geneva! Good for you, one day at a time :innocent: :raised_hands: :partying_face:

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Thank you Matt! At this point it feels like the days are flying by!

Things I have noticed since being a week out:

-My sleep quality was been way better and I feel rested, even on days when I get 5-6 hrs of sleep

-I feel more calm and my anxiety has lessened

-I’ve gotten my appetite back? I have been eating more that usual, which is fine because when I was anxious/depressed I skipped meals and ate small portions

-Been drinking chamomile tea at night before bed and thats been a big help to mellow me out in a sober way to wind down :slight_smile:

Just proud of myself for keeping on track!


Thanks for making it possible to post this, always nice. And big congrats Geneva!


Good for you :+1:

The appetite is something people comment on often here. Once those alcoholic drink calories disappear your body is looking to fill them in somewhere. Everyone responds differently - some gain weight, some lose, some stay the same - so the key thing is to be gentle and compassionate with yourself and take it one day at a time. Eventually you’ll settle into a rhythm that works for you but for now one rule that helped me, may help you too: you have permission to do anything that’s safe and legal, to stay sober (and that includes food - enjoy some good meals - maybe do some cooking as a hobby! :innocent:).


Sooo happy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome to the forum. I hope you find what you are looking for here.
I cannot quite understand why I need to check again if alcohol made me feel exact the same misery it made me feel before I quit. In the end we are all here to learn from out experiences and I hope you took something from it. I found it helpful to come here with all my feelings and phantasies before I actually picked up. We are here, always. 24/7 wich is one of the advantages of a global forum.

Yayyyyyyy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Im having a moment of weakness. At work a a manager was mean and snarky to me all day and literally called me dumb at one point. Also, this morning my husband and I got into an arguement. I try to put that aside and tell myself im gonna have a great day and the thing at work set me off.

Now im in my car in the parking lot of a store debating on purchasing something that will ruin my streak. I want to fight this, but i feel so much pain rn and I know my nightly “cup of tea” isnt going to help.

I dont know what to do.


I vote NO! :hugs:
Don’t let other people be a reason to go backwards. Go for a power walk and swear at them!

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Haha i wish, but then id be fired :upside_down_face: i opted for a milkshake and then got home and took a shower. Feeling better, but still sad. Proud of myself for perservering


I was sober for 6 months, my fiancé gave me my coin, and I fell off that wagon. I recently fell off that wagon and it showed me a side of myself I never want to see again.

It happens. We are human beings, flawed and definitely not perfect.

But you are here! Talking and communicating with ppl who care and want to help. You can do this! One day at time!

Sounds cliche but Keep it Simple. Read the book, do the steps and get a sponsor.

If you are sober tonight, then today was a win - no matter what. “Feeling better, but still sad” is perfectly appropriate, and it didn’t kill you! I’m proud of you for pushing through, too.

Waking up sober, we have a chance to correct whatever we need to from yesterday, and a chance to at a new perspective. When I was waking up hungover, ashamed, and still in trouble, I was doomed to repeat the same old depressing cycle of feel shame, drink, do more shameful things.

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I meant swear at them alone on you’re walk! :laughing:
Good job though!

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Amazing job today. Feel the feelings, get a milkshake. You were in the face of it and you chose power, you chose yourself!! :raised_hands:

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Thank you! Yeah I also put into pespective that I have another early day at work tomorrow and it would suck to wake up hungover for it :stuck_out_tongue: lately ive been getting quality sleep and that wouldve broken that chain


You rock!:unicorn::unicorn::unicorn: