Get comfortable being uncomfortable

I think I’m around 1524 days sober, heading back home after a Christmas trip to AZ. I’m not where I want to be as a human, not even close, but I’ve come light years from where I was1524 days ago.

I’m not in as good of shape financially, physically, mentally, or emotionally as Id like but such is life. If I sit in that mindset, I’ll never be good enough, I’ll always be chasing something unattainable. The important thing to remember is nobody “has it all”. Life is give and take, ever changing.

Sit in the discomfort and find the good… there is good in most things. Find gratitude, no matter how simple it is. We are here, we are fighting, we are growing and thriving as individuals, and as community.

I see a lot of new members and I love seeing so many people taking back control over their lives. You are worth it, you can do it. It’s gonna be hard at times, so embrace it and grow from it. Lean on eachother, grab or reach out a helping hand. Let’s make 2024 the best year yet. Love to you all, I couldn’t do this without you.


Thank you Dan, such wise words…ive been contemplating similar recently…ive been thinking about happiness alot and what it means…that in society we are almost brainwashed to constantly want to have it and if not then something must be wrong…if we dont have it we should be striving for it…i feel like we all need to slow down and just be sometimes because often what makes us happy is already there but we miss it in the constant looking for it…i will be doing more of that “just being” in 2024. All the best to you for the new year Dan :heart::people_hugging:


Very well said Dan. This is something that does not come natural to most people and requires practice, but in time, it is possible to change your outlook on life. I’m glad you’re able to look past the bad and focus on the good, even when it’s tough. I wish this for everyone :blush:


Very well said. Much love man


Wise words, my friend. Happy new year and 2024 will be another opportunity for all of us, just like each day is a new day.


Thank you so much for this! Feeling low this morning wondering if I will be able to do it and why even try! This helps. Thanks you


Great point. Everything is relative.


Thanks for posting this Dan. I also have found that it took some getting used too before I was comfortable being uncomfortable. We all spent so long masking the discomfort. I’ve learned to deal with it and see the good, just like you said. Sometimes it hard to feel but it’s part of the journey.


Well said! Great post :smiling_face::raised_hands:t2: keep on keeping on! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thanks for this Dan. I needed this. :heart:


Sitting with my discomfort, breathing through it. One of the toughest things in my life.


got me right in the feels.

love to you Dan. you’re also so worth it!

let’s keep evolving, learning and loving in 2024!


Beauty!! Keep leading the way. :muscle:t3::clap:t3:

Lets go 2024! Bring on all the emotions, all the changes and all the awe that this life holds. :gift:


Thank you Dan. When life gets lifey, gratitude is my go to these days.
Looking forward to continuing this journey with you in 2024. Much love friend.


When life gets lifey!! …i love that @Lisa07 :laughing:
Im going to use that sometime in conversation lol


Perfect gif choice here lol :joy:


You’ve got a loving wife and family, pets, a roof over your head, food on the table, and a tractor!
What more could a man need?.. maybe a bigger tractor, but that’s about it, for sure!


I gambled that the tractor wasn’t gonna cost me my loving wife, roof over my head, food and pets :laughing:. Sometimes you gotta shoot your shot.


Grateful I clicked on this post. :pray: Lovely title and really well said Dan.
I somehow thought that if I gave up my addictions that my life would magically become better and I would be somewhat ok. Little did I know that this was the first step in putting myself together.
I believe that we never stop growing emotionally, mentally and spiritually…this gives us a purpose and something to always strive for. You are a wonderful human and I am grateful to be here on the sober journey with you. :people_hugging:


@Mindofsobermike @Nordique @Lisa07 @Faugxh @RosaCanDo @AyBee . You all have been here pretty much since the beginning of my sobriety and have helped me in so many ways for years. I’m forever grateful for you all

@Starlight14 @JazzyS @TrustyBird @Just_Laura @Blondie1x the amount of help and love you all pour into TS is just wonderful.

I know I’m missing some who responded, I’m sorry about that. I really appreciate all of you :slightly_smiling_face:

I wish I could meet you all at a TS convention, what a blast that would be :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face: