GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

Not drunk dialing my entire contact list :flushed:


So many things!!
~staying hydrated
~waking you fresh
~more present with my loved ones
~increased motivation and inspiration
~appreciation of life, nature, and all the little things in between
~more time to do the things I love bc I’m not so tired
~less irritabilty, anxiety, stress, and depression
~more in touch with my emotions, body, and experience of the senses
~better sleep and dream recollection (after initial difficultly sleeping while getting used to not drinking)
~more clear headed


Not feeling ashamed emptying my recycling in the morning and all the glass clashes together letting all the neighbors hear how many bottles I have.


@anon86726034 you have the wonderful gift of making the sinister sound hilarious! I always enjoy your posts terrifically!

I also had the reputation of never remembering the ends of movies, lol more often than not I wouldnt even remember having watched a movie at all 🤦
Not wondering whether I’m too drunk to cycle my bike. I was a pretty steady cyclist even very drunk but there were times I was swerving across the entire double lane street. Horrible. I’m lucky I’m alive, no exaggeration.
Better relationships with people. Things becoming meaningful again.
Feeling myself to be reliable.


Same. I think he murdered the step father though :thinking: Funny enough I think I had to read that on wiki as I also couldn’t remember. Just remembering I had a huge crush on the Irish guy with the face scar :flushed:


Oh my goodness, yes!!! Good one :slight_smile:


I like this one!:point_up::grin:


Being able to be there for friends and family at need me, in a healthy way.


No shame and hiding


Not wondering if there is something I need to apologize for…


This was me! Sneaking the recycling out of my room at 3am to put in front of the neighbours house the next street over🙄


A clear head is the thing I love the most about being clean. No more drug fueled choices. I do still struggle with ego driven choices but hey, I’m working on being a more selfless person. One day at a time.


I think waking up clear headed for me is my number 1 favorite thing that will keep me going.


I completely agree. I had times where I would be clean for a few months at a time and I absolutely loved the feeling of being clear headed. It was something I simply couldn’t forget, each time I would relapse, all I could think about was how great it was having a clear mind and that in itself made getting clean this time that much easier. There were other circumstances that propelled my recovery but that one is such a pivotal part of staying clean.


Sometimes I write in a notebook about the day and that’s always forefront on each page, lol


Interesting, I have been journaling everyday for a month and a half and I don’t think I have ever actually written my appreciation for it. Shame on me, do you do daily gratitude lists?

No I haven’t. I have to do more to stay focused. I do know how lucky I am to be where I am living. I have a good job with great people, I don’t take either one for granted.

That’s a good outlook, good for you. Keep up the good work!

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You as well, Kyle!:blush:

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I love this.

My list today is…

Waking up and feeling well without having to plan some kind of hustle.
Being able to get a decent night of sleep.
NOT being in a drug induced psychosis.
Rebuilding the friendships I’ve destroyed.

Being able to have a solid poop each day. :pleading_face: