GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

My thought on this is when an officer compels you to take a field sobriety test, he’s already planning to arrest you. The only purpose of the test is to gather evidence so that he can write it in the police report so that the prosecutor can use it against you.

Also, anything I say can and will be used against me. A state trooper can arrest me for DUI if he suspects I’m under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or even prescription meds.

So when a trooper mentions performing a field sobriety test, the best response is to not comply. Say, “Officer, I do not consent to taking a field sobriety test. And I’m choosing to invoke my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. I will not answer any more questions. And I want to contact an attorney.”


Thank you xo

It ain’t no thang but a chicken wing. My first court appearance was just to get my actual date. I got a public defender and she seems very nice. She’s only been practicing for 2 years, so I’m going to be doing a lot of my own digging. Not out of disrespect, but I refuse to get legal consequences for something I didn’t do. So, I researched the car I was driven by and the likelihood of it flipping when it catches the lip if the road. Pretty much 100% due to the center of gravity.

One thing that stands out is the cop asked me which way I was going, so my delirious ass pointed to the right and he’s like nope. What, how would you know. And fuck, how th fuck would I know?? I was fucking lost in the pitch dark boonies. I don’t know. Did you see the car man?

Today I have 1555 days sober (cool number) but not according to that asshat infant 30 year old cop. Fucking quota time.

I’ve been better since. I’m really focusing on positivity and manifesting good things. Slowing down and catching myself when I think negatively. I’m all up in this “the secret” thing. Some of it is bullshit but there is a lot of good shit I’m it too. If you find cus on bad shit, you bring bad shit into your life. If you focus on good shit, you bring good shit into your life.


Yeah, it was weird. I guess I was unconscious because I remember holding a n tight and closing my eyes and the next thing I remember was some men trying to get me out of the car. I remember one saying e careful you want to make sure you don’t touch her in the wrong place lol. That’s what this work has come too. Someone tries to help someone and grazes a boob, the Karen sues the boob grazer lol.

So after seeing my littles pop up, I had to get myself out. I did it because I’m strong and mighty lol.

That cop is a douche and I hope he gets in trouble. Not sure if I’m going to sue him yet, or as I put my life story on my blog, I’m going to toast the fuck out of NC county dipshits and highway patrol fucktards.

Charlotte po po, they are ok. I still snap chat text with the cop from Ava’s accident last year. He’s another one, he literally just had his 30th birthday about 2 weeks ago and is macking in my old ass. To make it worse, he has a girlfriend. The other day they were arresting some dude for indecent exposure right below my unit. And I asked him if he was on the penis case, and he’s like yea, and I asked if he was still wearing braids. And he’s like yeah, why?

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:joy::joy::joy: I’m going to get. Zillion bazillion dollars and no one will ever be homeless, cold, or hungry again because I’m going to buy all the abandoned office buildings and convert them. :heart: there will be no time limit on how long they can stay, if mental help or addiction treatment is needed, consider it done. Get people back in their feet. Help them get their legal identification again.


You crack me up! :joy: You’re one of the funniest peeps I know. Thanks for the entertainment. :rofl:

On a serious note, glad you’re doing your due diligence on the accident. I can’t fathom how the courts can justify wasting tax payor dollars on a fucking single car accident driven by a sober woman with her lil.pup. Makes no sense to me at all. That cop must be trying to compensate for his small dick.

Always a pleasure to hear from you, girl. :kissing_heart:

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