GirlInterrupted: Running with Scissors ✂️

Hola my friends. Surprisingly I’m still not craving ditching the skin suit and entering the energy phase of my existence, so I guess that’s good. I hate being depressed. It helps that my little crypto that I believed in and bought a shit ton when it was really cheap has skyrocketed. I don’t want to have to cash it in because I know it will go higher, but it’s enough for a month of rent now, so that is awesome!! I’d have to look, but it has at least quadrupled my investment. It’s never going to be a bitcoin type gain, but it alleviates some of my fight or flight space that I have been living in for like two yearsl

I had a nightmare about my Steven last night. It was so weird. He escaped where he was to get back to me and I found him on my balcony but he wasn’t a poodle, he turned into a huge grey Marmaduke type dog. Then, because he’s always a bad boy that mommy loves, he ended up with his back paws on my balcony and front on my neighbor’s balcony. When he saw me try to help him he fell when he looked at me, but his leash caught him and he was dangling from the side of my building :scream: So I frantically ran outside to save him, but when I got outside it was a crazy maze of mall parking lots and unfamiliar buildings :woman_facepalming: I got lost and looked forever and never found him. Ugh, that’s all I remember.

Why is my brain like this???I miss my oodles of beautiful poodles :frowning:

I love you guys! I think I’m on like a 3 day streak now or close. Ima be a regular again. <3


Hooo boy… Those dreams where you are lost somewhere familiar, or can’t move fast enough (you’re really trying but you body just won’t move, dammit!), or streets and corridors just keep getting longer the more you walk down them - well they really suck!


Word! I’m still haunted by a dream I had when I was a kid. The Count from sesame street or whatever show it was, was chasing after me counting slowly one, two, three and my lets woudn’t work. I can’t remember where you live, but it was a kids show with puppets I guess lol. And the count was a vampire that, well, counted a lot hahaha


It sure was Sesame street friend. Too bad the count joke was lost in translation in Dutch but still a strong character.


Don’t worry…I grew up watching Sesame Street also.


It’s a good thing it was lost in translation because he literally tried to kill me :rofl:


wait a damn second… What if we are here because of Sesame Street??? The show is evil muwahahahahahahaah

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Man, my anxiety is all over the place lately. I’ve been getting really overwhelmed. I’m going to need to find a bette way to organize myself. It’s hard when you only have to be accountable to yourself. The thing is, on my longest stretch, which was last week, I went 3 full days without seep, I just kept going. I wasn’t manic, I was panic. Like, how am supposed to work magic to finish paying rend before my lease is up Then, I’l probably stay with my parents if I’m not supporting the time my lease is up. My mom went into the hospital again today. I wish she would take better care of herself. She sure as shit has the r


ain’t it just like me to stop in the middle of a sentence and then disappear lol… my anxiety is off the wall still. I don’t get it. Ugh… My momma is going to be ok, she said she can come home on Saturday. She has congestive heart failure.


Seems like the weight of the world is getting pretty heavy these days. That totally sucks.
You know what else sucks?.. Not sleeping.
That shit’ll wear your down fast and has a bad habit of amplifying problems.
Rest well, yo?!

All the best to your mother.


Sorry to hear about your Mom, but glad she can head home. Not sleeping sucks for sure and definitely makes everything seem like shit. I am sorry you are going thru so much. :pensive: :people_hugging:


I did it again. I was going to take a nap this morning and i was nodding off at my desk, but then I took Svetlana out and got a 2nd wind, and here we are. I do feel a lot of pressure to get stuff listed. Once I have at least 10 things up I can probably get on a more normal schedule. I’m mostly in a good head space though, so that’s a good thing I guess.

I just finished two big ones and just need to get the listings completed :slight_smile: I’m enjoying it though.

They are keeping my momma for an extra day which I pretty much figured. My espn I guess lol. She’s feeling pretty good though <3


Hey girl, just checking in. :heart:


Tis been a shit show my friend. OMG that the guy running for governor’s commercial just came on. Ugh, I hate it. The one where he’s yelling about women keeping their skirts down if they don’t want to get pregnant and no woman should ever ever have an abortion no matter the reason. Sicko, I want to punch him in the face.

Sorry, I was looking at my pics to upload and he came on. gross… OK, here are some pics from the accident. It was the night of Ava’s high school graduation :frowning: I was driving my Mom’s SUV, ironically enough, we had just finally got my mom to agree to stop driving. I let her have it, she’s been crashing into everything lol. She said my trigger words (from when I lived in Florida) “I don’t want to lose my freedom”… OK, so go kill a young person with their whole life ahead of them who will never get to say that. Ma’am, get you an uber. So, it kinda worked out, because as you can see the car is totaled. I have no idea how many times I flipped, I just remember closing my eyes and waiting for it to be over, the next thing I remember is some men trying to help me because I was suspended upside down. Then, I look to my right and Littles popped up like nothing happened, not a scratch on her, I’m tearing up right now. If she got hurt I would just die. Poor little thing was like a tennis ball in a dryer. I will tell you the absolute worst worst worst part after the pics, if my PTSD from cops wasn’t bad enough, ayyyyyy

OK, so this is out in the sticks and there are no street lights and it’s the kind of roads with a steep lip and then ditches on both sides. I’ve always been scared to drive out there, and I’ve never drove out there at night before. Everyone out there drives with their brights on and they don’t turn them off for oncoming traffic, so you obviously get blinded, but I veer to the right for some reason, like I’m afraid they are going to hit me because I can’t see for shit, and I don’t have any idea how big the oncoming vehicle is. So, my worst fear came true, I hit that lip and a rolling I went. Ava got to me so quickly. I had missed my turn because it was so dark and I had no clue where the heck I was because it’s so dark out there.

So, the doors are open because my side was crushed. The guys couldn’t get me out, so I unclipped my seatbelt like a boss, fell on my head, and crawled out with littles. I got hit in the face with one airbag and the side of my head with the other. I’m doing my best to hide the blood because I don’t have insurance and I was refusing medical help. I found out later that the car insurance covers it.

When the cops show up, this one asks me if I had been drinking. I said no, I don’t drink. He’s like are you on anything, and I’m like no. So then he asks my daughter if I had been drinking and she goes my mom never drinks. Is your mom on anything, “no”…

So, he starts the field sobriety test, mind you I’m dazed AF, see that car? I was not given a breathalyzer test. I did the field sobriety stuff fine except for the heel to toe walking on a line. I explained to him that I was disabled, I have neuropathy which causes ataxia and for the rest of my life, I will never be able to perform that test. I would be more than happy to show you my medical records since they are on my portal and I could pull them right up on my phone. He refused to look at them. So I kept telling him I was not going to be able to do it, please just let me show you my medical records, nope. Even worse, there was a handicap placard hanging from the rearview mirror that he ignored!!!

He handcuffed me and arrested me for DWI and reckless driving to endanger. I swear I was so polite to this guy because I’m so afraid of cops. He took me to the station and they took my blood. I said, once that comes back negative are you going to drop the charges? and he said “possibly, you’re still going to have to go to court though” ugh.

I am so devastated over this. This is now my second time being falsely arrested. If I can find an attorney to take it on a contingency basis, I’m suing this time. I cried for days, it was horrible. I can’t believe how such a lovely day turned into that. I was only at the police station for like 30 minutes and then Ava took me home. I can’t explain the emotional turmoil I was going through. I can’t explain it, but it just felt so dark :frowning:

So, I have made a million calls to find out who to speak with. Turns out the guy was a state trooper. So, I called the highway patrol and told the lady on the phone the story and she asked for the officer’s name. When I gave it to her, I could swear her voice changed like “not him again”. So, she is talking to I forget who, like the boss cop guy and is supposed to get back to me. I was requesting to have the charges dropped. So, fingers crossed they will work with me. I literally cannot believe this happened. OMG, I walked away for a second and forgot I was in the middle of this, I haven’t taken my meds yet lol.

Other than that, all is good for the most part. I’m learning about neuroplasticity and manifestation from a chick I found on youtube, she’s awesome, Dr. Tara Swart. So, I’m thinking more positively. As for the highway patrol, I’ll circle back around by tomorrow if I don’t hear back. I also have to get like one of those free defense attorneys, or I could be a rebel and defend myself. I have many google degrees. I will go ahead and become a google criminal defense attorney. I object, hearsay, lacks foundation, speculation. See, I’m ready lol


Holy fucking fuckity fuck!
A shit show indeed.

First and foremost, so glad you are not more injured than what those photos suggest you should be. Keep an eye out though as some injuries can take a while to fully make themselves known.

Your strength and tenacity will see you through this, as it has done with many other challenges you’ve faced. Sure, it would be better if it never happened but we can say that about lots of things. It’s happened, it’s terrible, you’re alive, and the things that really matter in life are still ok.

Oh… and that cop sounds like a right dick, and clearly a dick with dick history.

Go well!


Holy shit! What a scary accident! Glad you and littles are ok. :heart: :people_hugging:
No words for the state police shit show. Ugh!


O girl, this is just freaking incredible. Everything. So glad you’re alright. Here’s hoping you will be able to sue, and sue successfully, and get 100,000,000 bucks for unlawful everything. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Omfg, this is insane!!!

Side note: do not get me started on the fuckity fucker robinson

I hate those dark roads too and soft side lips with gravel and NOW I KNOW WHY!!

I am soooo grateful you and Littles are more than okay. And just holy shit that is a mess of vehicle.

Definitely get a free attorney and fight fight fight. Seriously. Make some calls. NC Statey…no words.

That kind of thing can kick back at you later, so if you have a therapist, it would be good to talk it thru. I just helped my daughter get NC Medicaid (pretty easy online) and it does cover some teletherapy or in person. Idk if you are eligible, but she was well under the cut off (single Mom).

I am so thankful you are okay. Wow. :exploding_head:


Grateful, grateful, grateful that you and your dog are alive.
Glad the Tara Swart is helping you.
Wishing you a good recovery … on all of it.
I’m sorry for all the bad you’ve had to endure. Big hugs.

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So glad you checked in, lady. Glad you came out of this relatively okay…those fucking road edges are brutal. I don’t know why I’ve mostly seen them down south but the roads around my parents’ place are just like that. I’ve heard it’s supposedly for “drainage” but that’s bullshit for “we can’t pay to put in proper storm drains” and so on. Stick it to ‘em if you can, I CAN unfortunately believe you were treated so poorly, fuckers, and please take care of yourself best you can. Congrats on your kiddo’s graduation though. And so glad you’re safe.

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