God I pray

I feel like the worst person ever God help me do better!! This addiction is going to be the death of me I believe! I want to do better but cant I don’t know where to start I pray to God to help me but nothing helps I’m crying as I write this post life has to change or Im not gonna make it… suicide is on my mind every one might be better without me … I wouldn’t be disappointed everyone who loves me! My addiction will be gone I will be at peace … sincerely the worst person ever!


You are not alone. Please respond and I am glad to chat about anything you like.


Fuck it sounds like youre being tortured by your addiction but please dont give up. Theres hope.


Thanks but honestly I don’t think it’s hope for me

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I just wanna stop being a disappointment :disappointed_relieved: I want peace I’m tried of struggling no one would miss me to them I’m just a dope head

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You can borrow some of my hope. Theres an opportunity for you. What have you tried so far? What havent you tried? Lets brainstorm

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I tried AA, I tried going to church , I do great for a while and mess up but today was the worst ever I believe I hit rock bottom I never had suicidal thoughts but today I did …I feel like this addiction took over my life .


Today was bad. I am sorry. But rather than let those intrusive thoughts take over, you came here. You are not alone!


Your right I did come here … tomorrow is a new day I pray to God he helps me I need prayers


Maybe tonight youre gifted the desperation that can fuel your change. Dont give up my friend


I’m sorry your life is rough right now. I read you where clean a while back for 4 months if I’m correct? What helped you then, what worked?


Please do not carry out your thoughts… You are alive for a purpose…


Sending big hugs. Everyone on the planet deserves to live their life. By whose judgement are you a disappointment? You are doing the best you can with what you have, which is what all of us do. But maybe you can try to have more support, from support groups, doctors, etc. Don’t think you tried it, and it didn’t work, so give up. You are in a different place in life now and things that didn’t work before might work now. Try a different group. Maybe think about some kind of outpatient program. Or rehab. There are lots of things to try. Addiction isn’t easy to get over, or it wouldn’t be addiction. Keep going and keep in touch.


@Shellwhit45 stay with us. Vent here, talk to us, we are here to listen and support. Sending :people_hugging:


I want to thank each and everyone of you who reached out on this post


Stay with us! You are worth a sober life! Lean on us, together we are stronger. I will pray for you my friend. Please stay strong and keep trying, it will stick eventually :pray:t2::heart:


Hey there. :people_hugging: I once was in your exact position. I had succumbed to my addiction for so long that I started to believe the lies it was feeding my brain.

You are absolutely worth it and are worthy of a sober life. God loves you. You are here. When you feel like he is quiet, listen to that small voice that still gives you an ounce of hope for something better, thats him.

In the beginning of my sobriety I held on to the possibility. One breath and moment at a time.

Keep reaching out every time you don’t want to. Something is keeping you from doing it, your evil addiction lying to you.

You are loved. Praying for you my friend :pray::purple_heart:


Thank you so much


How are you today?

Better thank you for asking I hope everything is good with you