Going to AA just for support?

Absolutely and as alcoholics we’re definitely going to form resentments towards some people :joy:

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I have bonded with a number of people and communicate wirh them outside of meetings. They also check on me when I miss a meetimg or out of town.

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You’re right I’m going to approach the fellowship with a different mindset.
Looking back I can see how I could do things differently. :blush:

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Hi, I get it about going to Aa, and doornob, etc. I’m going there to get recovery, some shares I listen and some I just have compassion for their shares. We are doing the best we can, some are early in recovery and get information which you and I don’t agree on. But again, they are doing the best they can. Overall it’s a great place to learn what Not to do, and get a higher power to guide you. We do recover one day at a time. Hope that helps.


Oh gosh, I have friends like never before thru AA. But the say goes, if you like EVERYONEthen you have not gone to enough meetings. Meaning you are not gonna like everyone and that’s okay.

My sponser always says, " you don’t gotta run with everybody, but you do have to run with somebody"


The joys of recovery! :joy::joy:

I like using AA as a source of accountability. Honestly don’t agree with a lot of the people in the meetings. I am an atheist and I struggle with accepting a higher power. I like that people will txt me if they havnt heard from me, I like meeting people who I can go out with and know they won’t order any booz. For me, AA is more than just reading some old book and preaching about it, it’s about meeting sober friends and learning how to live a better life without alcohol.

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