Good morning! How are you today?!

Hi all! I’ve made a new topic cos I just wanted to say hi and how are you today! I am feeling strong today 2days clean from coke! Found out a really good friend has been using secretly last night. My first hideous reaction was to think ‘how could you?? You mean when I’ve been with you you’ve been using coke and not sharing it??!!’. The addict brain is awesome isn’t it?! Today though I feel sad for her that she’s had to do that and more committed than ever to stay sober. These substances make us do crazy things and I think I’m exhausted with doing them!! I have been saying to myself ’ let go and let god’. I am not religious at all but take ’ God’ to mean ’ the universe’. Last night when I was in a bad place I just kept repeating it over and over! I hope you are all well today and am so grateful to have found this community! Let go and let God!! :v::v:


Hi @BloodyMary,
Great new topic… reminds me that we’re doing this one day at a time!
I struggled with the God thing at the beginning. My first two AA meetings just compounded my “contempt prior to investigation” so I carried on my “practical research” for another six years.
Now though, through a combination of ‘fake it to make it’ and loads and loads of unerring co-incidences (or “God-incidences”) happening in life, I have a faith in a higher power who I know is looking after me, day by day, week by week.
Your opener to this new topic sounded really positive… you gotta look after yourself first and foremost: you have to put yourself first to make being clean and sober last.
Happy Tuesday to you

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Good morning @Andy_15052012!! I love the idea of a higher power- whatever form it may take!! Have a great day :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:

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Good morning! I was instantly drawn to this post as I just text a friend the exact title! I am 25 days sober today! :grin: I too am so gatefull for this group and AA I couldn’t have done it without it!! I have been drinking for 23 years heavily until I hit rock bottom and my life was unmanageable, it was no longer fun anymore. Well done on your two days!!! Each day at a time. Good luck and God bless! Xxxxxxx :kissing_closed_eyes:


Congratulations @Pod!! I hope you have a good day!!

Good morning!
Another day waking up sober and i feel great!
Any day waking up sober is a good day.
Good job @BloodyMary ! Yes the addicts mind is a crazy, manipulative , sometimes twisted thing but knowing that and being able to see that now is a powerful, insightful, and educated thing!
Something you couldn’t see before you can see now and that in itself is amazing!

Have a wonderful day…
Stay strong…stay sober!


Hey guys!! Feeling great this morning! Went through some serious temptation yesterday and I even convinced myself it was ok to drink bc it was with some friends I never drink with… so I said to myself… " oh I’ll have one or two" … but when I got to this restaurant that serves alcohol. … they were already super drunk and it made me stop and think clearly and just said to them that I would drive them home… and I did! I didn’t drink…and I feel so grateful and strong and accomplished. Monday and tuesday and Thursday is always my biggest temptation days… so here’s to getting through the rest of the week and excited to report that I am 11 days clean now!


That’s awesome!
Sometimes the biggest deterrent is watching the progression of others getting drunk and picturing that as being yourself. A lot of times seeing what we become when we drink can scare the shit out of us or just simply make us so sick to our stomachs that we can’t imagine even taking a sip!
Good job on not drinking when it was right there infront of you!
Stay strong…stay sober! :grinning:


@Richelle I bet it was an eye opener for you! Probably the best thing that could have happened! Here’s to being the designated driver !!

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