Goodbye Alcohol, Hello positive changes

Hey all,
I’m new here because I never thought I had a problem until my anger started to show more. I was never an angry person growing up, but I quickly realized it was the Alcohol… I wasn’t happy AT ALL during the pandemic and my boyfriend and I would just drink our days away. I would drink every night i’d come home from work or every time I had off… I’d drink in the afternoons and evenings and feel like shit the next day.
My boyfriend and I made a quick change and immediately slowed down… I’m proud to say I’ve been 10 days completely sober from alcohol and feeling amazing. Being sober has made me smile more, and cry less… I was super emotional while I was drinking and just don’t think it’s for me. Didn’t think I’d be able to even make it to 10 days. so here’s to a new beginning of being sober and happy.

I hope to stick with it for as long as I can and keep doing other things that I love to keep me moving and smiling. Highly recommend you do the same. I’m not giving up.


Same boat here. I was always quiet and shy. Till I started drinking and I would be so angry and ugly towards everyone. So it feels good to get back a little to my old self. 9 days here!!! So if you ever need a ear through this I am here. Congratulations on day 10


Hi Emily and welcome to our corner of the world! When I was starting out, I had to focus on the time between me and my next sleep. And with work, commuting, some legal requirements, and AA meetings, my unsupervised time was down to just a few hours. That helped me a lot, to break down my time and plan to put a sober head on my pillow.

Here’s a couple of great links to get you going on Talking Sober.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey. And congrats on your day count, keep stacking them up!



Yeah, same girl. Was always shy until I started school and going out more. Then I graduated but didn’t think it’d be a problem of mine until i’d get upset and take a shot cause i’m upset. Then i’d get angry or mad at myself because it does no good lol. Also kept me from being myself. bro it me to a very like emotional state where i’d cry over the littlest things, so definitely needed to make that change happen! Already feeling better. I’m here for you too girl if you need a someone to talk to that’s on the same boat!


Thank you very much for your tips!!! Best of luck!

thank you very much for your feedback and good luck to you too!

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Welcome. I am glad you are here, and hope you will stay.

It sounds as if you saw some areas of personal concern, and have decided to nip them in the bud. This is good. We can choose our “rock bottom”. Better a high bottom than a low.

I pray you stick with sobriety with this quit. Me? I kept experimenting with “moderation”. Short quits to prove I was in “control”, only to drink again and fall a little further. At any point I could have decided that was my bottom, but I had some more falling to do, forgetting that it’s not the fall that kills you. It’s the sudden stop at the end. I had to come close to losing all the good in my life, before I could accept “never again”.

I hope you say “goodbye” to alcohol forever, and not “until we meet again”.