Goodbye Nicotine :)

This forum is bloody brilliant. Good luck with this you sound amazingly positive and no doubt you’ll achieve this.


This is awesome! I quit just over a year ago :slight_smile: my advice is to make sure you have a plan. Books to read about smoking and quoting smoking: pull it out when you feel a craving or are thinking about / missing smoking.

Beverages: water water with lemon and fruits to regulate blood Sugar.

Reading etc: check out SMART Recovery worksheets, they are labels for drinking kit you can replace that works with smoking and to REALLY effecting cognitive behavioural therapy. They have free worksheets online and a workbook for like 13$
It helps you build a healthy plan to tackle emotions and triggers that would usually have you smoking.

Also I’d keep a timeline for smoking recovery in my bag and dad it whenever I was at risk of relapse:

Personally I focused heavily on diet and exercise. Cooking food, making my lunches and switching up my routine to replace certain cigarettes with movement. So for example if iI smoke in the am before my shower, I’d do 100 sit-ups or jumping jacks instead of that cigarette then continue my morning routine. I also Joined a gym and got
Some free at home workout online .

Tried to fill all my time so that I had less time to think about smoking. I was always either, eating sleeping working, at the gym , cooking or doing some kind of project or recovery work. When I’d have a craving there was Walsh’s something I had to do before I could consider caving in. So if the thought of smoking would come to mind I’d say ok , first you have to read or cook or workout for an hour, then you can see if you still want to ruin all your hard work. A craving only lasts 5-10 mins so I was fine. Even a panic attack wouldn’t last more than 20mis.

Someone said to avoid replacements, I agree to avoid them, but I personally Brie they are better than a full relapse. For a while i used a vape for the oral fixation and for emergencies ( I was also quitting drinking at the same time and had just discovered my boyfriends sex addiction so relapse risk was high). I’d have the vape with the lowest nicotine content available if I felt like my the rest of my plan was going to fail and I might relapse. I would keep it at home only use it when I felt completely out of control. Like you said, it doesn’t deliver the same satisfaction so once my body and more importantly my mind, got adjusted to life without smoking, I no longer needed it at all…even with all the chaos on my life. My brain would go to more beneficial ways to self sooth that I adopted during the recovery period.

I think that if you treat quitting smoking as you would quitting drugs or drinking ( as a recovery process as opposed to just stopping) your chances of success are awesome!

Hope something in this helps.


Wooowwww you are an angel this are some powerful tips I will definitely be using theese exercise is a very good replacement !!! Already drinking water coffee was weird this morning with out a smoke Everytime I feel like smoking I go for a walk

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So glad you find some of it useful! If you can switch to tea you may have a much easier time! Forgot to mention that because i was never a big coffee drinker. Lol but yah, your coffee sensitivity will go up!


Some great advice up there :slight_smile: . How are u holding up ? i am going completely nuts ! I didnt have a plan, i just stopped it was in the heat of the moment and its going fineee jist fineee haahhaha bananas

Its gonna pass…


Can’t sleep now going bonkers !!!
I’m not enjoying the burn up so freaking hotttttt trying to keep pushing internally it feels like summer at this point maybe a cold shower the insomnia is real :upside_down_face::dizzy_face:

Woke up now, slept for a few hours , cant call it sleep exactly but its alright , better, hmmmm, better. It is better.How are you ? To Quit Smoking is good in any season, but this sucks, its raining hard after couple of awesome sunny days.


Been awake since 1:50am it’s now 3:03am I’m hanging in there can’t keep my eyes of the clock riding the rollercoaster how are you


Well done guys. You’ve got this.

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I’ve gone dentist ! Last night just slipped into unconciousness, woke up, c-vitamin blast , friend came over for coffee , i was ok. Raining outside cant go for a run or a walk, 5km on the treadmill while shouting and screaming, hot shower, cant move out of bed now. Something is wrong, this is insane, could it be that nicotine addiction can do this , feels sureal .

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Omg I hope your okay :frowning:️ hun hang in there
Holy crap you’re stronger than you think I hope you feel better keep pushing with whatever little strength you have at the moment all is gonna be okay

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The weirdest thing is , there is no doubt in my mind that i quit smoking. But the completely falling apart , like this… I dunno …something feels off…weird

And thanks :slight_smile: i hope never again !!!

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Today is better, been running and it helps , how are you holding up ?

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I’m glad you’re feeling better yeaay for better day I’m hanging in there still sleepless but I’m sure it will pass going for a walk later :blush:

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All that crazy shit was normal in all my withdrawals from nicotine. Exactly why I will be going the lozenge route! You are stronger than I by a long shot! Keep it up bro.

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Thanks for the support ! Definitely not strong DESPERATE :)) Could not take it any more, three packs a day, overall shitiness of self , bleeding gums murphy… Now keep it up , push , day by day …
Go for it man, whatever the route , the goal the same !!!

Well here is to my day 1. Finished my last time at midnight, so here is to a nic free June.

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I quit smoking completely 10 years past December 2018 so I could compete in a Muay Thai fight 2009. I also stopped drinking at that time. I went from 91 kilos to 71 kilos between January and April. Although I did start drinking again I’ve stayed completely free of the death sticks.


Are you still Nak Muay? I train in Muay Thai and Krav Maga.

Stopped training in Muay Thai after 20 years in 2009 after having 3 fights.

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