Goodbye Nicotine :)

I also quit smoking in December 2008 and celebrated my 10 years quit of cigarettes and nicotine in December…what a relief that is behind me. I smoked for more than 30 years…it was a long process to quit, but it changed the course of my life. Thankful.


Well done! Kicking the death sticks was massive for me.

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Tomorrow will make 7 weeks and even though it was the hardest of all my addictions to quit I don’t miss it at all.


Good for you on 7 weeks!! I know it is tough as heck, so well done!!

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18 hours in now. I’m very happy with the decision while in rehab.


Oooooo I want to smoke right now. Thankfully I got rid of my vape and cigarettes are gross. Just gotta suck it up. 36 hours and first real craving.

Days 1-3 are the hardest for me. Loving all the sleep I have been getting though.

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Proudly the rehab trusts me. So they sent me out to support two guys from my rehab for dr appts. Just was a bad day to be given to very very new and very heavy meth addicts to support. It’s testing my patience to incredible limits, an of course they are smoking feins. If I can survive this, I can survive anything lol

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Don’t give up on yourself. And stop giving the cigarette mafia all your money thats what my therapist told me


Going to bed with 2 days down without smoking.
Mind over matter :blush::blush:


So happy to start no smoking day 4!!!:grin::sunglasses::muscle:t2:


Day 5 :blush:.
Each day I feel more proud of this.


As you well should!!! Good job!!

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Holy s**t so stoked!!!


Awesome. I caved, but plan on keep quiting to quit.

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Its just a building block to eventual nicotine free. It’s hard man, on a daily it’s fucking hard but man the days do get a little easier but it seems every easy day comes with tomorrow stressful test!

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Just over 2 months and going strong.


Such an easy substitute for drinking. And thanks to our governor, Ms Fix the Damm Roads, paying 1 1/2 times more than I did just 3 weeks ago. Might be ready to try quitting again, since bingeing on dip is costing me almost as much as alcohol.

Hey, fellow nocitine addicts and quitters! I am day 8 smoke and nicotine free. I am also day 42 alcohol free, but, well surprisingly?, that goes a lot easier.

I mean, with drinking there was my rock bottom for, well, a couple of years of not being able to imagine relaxing without passing out from wine. And then I finally managed this mindset switch that I would lose absolutely nothing by never drinking alcohol again. The first week or so was still tough, but it normalized fast, and I didn’t really feel like I have to take it one day at a time. I mean, I do have cravings, and they are minimal. I mean, I still dread a relapse, i don’t ever want to be back to that awful, anti-social addict state - but it still is going really smoothly so far, compared to kicking the cig.

With nictotine, I do have to take it one day at a time. I had a 13 day good period, which was really tough. And then I smoked one whole night at a party… and now i am on day 8, but I had the day 3 rage, I have the cravings which are much worse than they were for wine, and all. Ugh, I hate it!

Anyway I came here to share this article:

I love it for a bunch of reasons. One of my favourites: to quit (any addictive substance), the article calls you to educate yourself, and calls it “Smart Turkey”. What’s not to love :slight_smile:

So, good quitting everyone! Stay clean today!