Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Hells yeah!!!


Im grateful for

1.This thread and this site.
2. Feeling better after being chipotle sickā€¦ugh. As well as an understanding employer.
3. Ice cold coffee in the AM
4. All the people on thia hourney with me
5. Scary movies


Today, Iā€™m grateful for:

  1. Kaisu - the beautiful dog Iā€™m looking after :dog2::heart_eyes:

  2. My family. We can be a difficult bunch, but we love each other and are there for one another.

  3. The gift of earning and saving money, whilst doing a job I love.

  4. Comedy, especially stand-up comedians.

  5. Being able to call Australia my home - such a beautiful country :kangaroo::earth_asia::boomerang::koala::heard_and_mc_donald_islands:

Ā± much much more :two_hearts:


Dang itā€¦I keep getting out of practice with this threadā€¦back in the saddle I go:

  1. The long weekend ahead

  2. Going out to dinner w my husband after a long work week

3.Epsom salt baths new coworkers and their attitudes that are lovely to be around

  1. My seemingly new found ability to handle stress and anxiety better than I could previously (not sure if itā€™s the lack of caffeine these many months, pregnancy causing hormonal shifts, or maybe all the ā€œinner workā€ Iā€™ve been doing for the last many years buuuuutā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦I WILL TAKE IT!!)
  1. Iā€™m grateful that there are two gratitude threads in here (though I prefer posting on this one bc itā€™s easier for me to stay up to date with everyone!)

  2. Iā€™m grateful for the last minute cancellation that allowed for me to get a prenatal massage tomorrow :drooling_face:

  3. Iā€™m grateful for my unexpected nap today

  4. Iā€™m grateful for a day to catch up on stuff

  5. Iā€™m grateful for my husband handling boring inquiries about bundling home and auto insurance so I didnā€™t have to :joy:

  1. That I went up and got to the gym this morning
  2. For my leg having less nerve pain today than usual.
  3. For my super smart PT who is working on my shifting pelvis currently
  4. For Heat in my car on a cold day
  5. For a job that allows me enough money to buy groceries for the week to nourish myself and my loved ones with.

Posting some gratitude here so @ELY83 can continue posting :wink:

  • a walk in the sunshine with my 2 favorite men

  • feeling fulfilled

  • quality time with the hubby

  • Spiritual exploration

  • Im going to bed sober



  1. Quiet mornings
  2. Health insurance
  3. Close to 4 years w/o a drink
  4. Despite all the torture my body is in pretty good shape.
  5. Im still standing
  1. Days off with sunshine and coffee.
  2. Dinner plans without the anxiety of drinking.
  3. Target runs to stock my house with all the soaps (dish, laundry, pods).
  4. Two cats and a husband who loves me.
  5. A calm brain.


  1. Driving home at sunset
  2. Waking up feeling good
  3. Ice cold coffee
  4. Listenting to excitement in my daughters voice.
  5. The future is bright


  1. I woke up feeling great, having stayed AF last night, attended an online meeting & actually spoke;
  2. Had a delightful walk in the snow with my beautiful dogs;
  3. Am strong and healthy so could clear the snow from my driveway;
  4. Have a comfortable, warm house;
  5. Am gearing up for my cross-country drive to see my horses (they live on a spectacular 150 acre ranch in northern New Mexico, and I visit every couple of months for a month or soā€¦ moving there FT in the works), and that I have a solid plan for staying AF during the trip.
  1. A clear head.
  2. A full heart.
  3. The willingness to put in the work.
  4. The infinite possibilities in life.
  5. Vague posts :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and sobriety tie for 5th.

Just mulling some big picture stuff and very grateful Iā€™m sober to do so.



  1. Running late but not hungover
  2. Options
  3. My cat
  4. I dont have to ride the bus anymore
  5. My fr44 (exspensive dui insurance) is almost over. Whoo hooo!!!

My fiance

My chiropractor

My buddies in the wedding

The people I work with that understand my physical limitations

And it might sound crazy but this forum and app is really helping so thank you


Quiet morning coffees.

Saturday plans.

Financial goals that I am making progress towards.

Old friends and supportive family.

That sobriety is my new norm. :mending_heart:


Thanks for bumping this thread!
Lots to be grateful for.

  • Tons of support from loving and knowledgeable, experienced people as we journey through another big life change.
  • A very successful nap after some sleepless nights.
  • Green things popping up everywhere, finally!
  • Quality alone time with my thoughts and meditations.
  • Stability during uncertainty. A major source of that stability comes from being in recovery.

Quiet rainy days

Hot morning/afternoon coffee

Ability to manage pain without substances

My supportive parentā€™s and siblings

Baking new healthy recipes :yum:


Coffee. :coffee:
Gym :muscle:
Fudge :candy:
Clean sheets :sleeping_bed:
Mom (the sitcom) :tv:

  • sunshine and t-shirt weather (sort of :sweat_smile:)
  • another shout out to naps after rough nights
  • my own personal mental health toolkit that has come from a lot of continuous work and self-care, and being able to access it when I need (and that I have effective tools that help!)
  • time spent on my deck in the sun with zero lawn power toolsā€¦short lived but much appreciated
  • more house listings to visit today!

:heartpulse: and as always, grateful for this community.

  1. My brother in law sent me this link to help meā€¦

  2. Hearing the lawn mower but knowing i dont have to mow since im currently at my brothers condo

  3. Long leisurely walks at the park

  4. Getting home in time to get dinner made for us and being able to take some to my parents

  5. Digging deep to find gratitudes when feeling like crap and realizing how much these gratitudes help pull you outta the rut