Gratitude List. 5 things daily

@JazzyS Good morning my friend. All well with you?

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Good morning beautiful Lam
Iā€™m here and grateful to be alive. Just tired today and dealing with some stuff so havenā€™t been writing but am around and reading.
Grateful for support and friends like you
Greatful for mindless TV
Greatful for nourishing food
Greatful for waterā€¦canā€™t drink enough of it today

  1. My sobriety ( still new at it but itā€™s whatā€™s most important to me right now)
  2. My husband ( he stands beside me every stepšŸ’œ)
  3. My 3 cats and 2 dogs
  4. Fall ( my fav season, it makes me happy)
  5. My bodyā€™s ability to heal! ( face is healing!)
  1. Thankful for the swimming pool at the rec, so awesome to get a swim in.
  2. My wife/babies, who make me so happy.
  3. My sobriety.
  4. Iā€™m getting my hope back. Hope is killing my self doubt.
  5. My health, i feel good.
  • grateful I am organised
  • grateful I look after my health these days
  • grateful the working week is halved, weekend is in sight :eyes:
  • grateful my other half is caring and invested in me
  • grateful for football and sports.

I am grateful for your share. Thank you.


Thank you :pray::blush:


Today I am grateful for:

  1. Sobriety
  2. Lazy restful days with pizza and books.
  3. Healing in my own non-linear way.
  4. My husband.
  5. Time.

Today I am grateful for:

  • love, being able to love, be loved
  • love in a totally different perspective
  • learning
  • pools availibility
  • food, electricity, internet connection

Grateful for my run at lunch
Grateful for stir fries, so quick in a pinch
Grateful itā€™s Thursday, yay
Grateful for my privileges
Grateful I have been less privileged


Today Iā€™m grateful for

  1. The morning yoga class.
  2. The cool air today.
  3. The excellent butcher nearby.
  4. Being able to see beauty in the cityscape today.
  5. My fantastic kids.


  1. Im going to see my daughter this weekend. :blush:
  2. Opportunities.
  3. Almond butter and nutella samiches.
  4. My Mom
  5. My cat :black_cat:
  • My Clean Date (02/21/2023).

  • My son finally started texting with me (itā€™s been faaaaar. too. long!)!

  • My recovery tools that I use every. day.

  • Another gorgeous, Spring-like October day.

  • Finding commonalities in people vs. differences.


I am grateful for Thursdays. Hubby comes home for three nights.

I am definitely grateful for feeling really good. I fight exhaustion and being really tired a lot Iā€™m trying to figure out medication and when to take it so that Iā€™m more evenly energized throughout the day.

I am grateful for other peoples patience in me. Sometimes I know itā€™s tough.

I am grateful for this app it has allowed me and all of us to express our feelings without being judged, or at least no responses that are judging or hurtful.

I am grateful for feeling love and having enough


Well said! Iā€™m happy your hubby comes home to you for 3 days. My hubby comes home tomorrow for 3 days. We are lucky girls.
Keep being awesome :grin:


Thank you. Awesome right back atcha!

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Today I am grateful for:

  • Learning
  • Healing connections
  • I made oat wraps
  • Ikea
  • found someone buying my old couch

Finally a Friday! :sunglasses:

Grateful for 4:00 A.M. snuggles in bed from the cat. Purrrr! :heart_eyes_cat:
Grateful for the sunrises I see every morning on my way to work.
Grateful for this forum and everyone on it. Not a day goes by without me checking in.
Grateful for quiet mornings to contemplate the day ahead.
Grateful for a fresh haircut.


I am Very Grateful for 2 weeks of sobriety, today!
I am grateful I am finally having restful sleeps with hopeful dreams
I am grateful for my 3 cats that sleep with me and keep me warm every night.
I am grateful that my husband comes home to me tonight and will spend time with me
I am grateful to have all of you along for my journey through this. :purple_heart:

  1. My 2nd home group that starts at 8:00pm

  2. The beautiful rain thatā€™s pitter-pattering on the roof.

  3. I was just asked to Chair the meeting that starts at 8:00 pm. :face_vomiting:

  4. My cousin from Denver who visited today and took me to lunch.

  5. My Clean Date (02/21/2023)