Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Today I’m grateful for

  1. The gentle lunchtime yoga class I managed to attend.
  2. The sound of my son and his friend making their action figures in his room.
  3. My guitar and my ability to play it.
  4. The cosy fireplace.
  5. My mum for being supportive right now.

Loving on Jesus too! :heart: :heart: :heart:


Hey peoples :slight_smile:

Today I am grateful for:

  • 9 weeks of sobriety
  • Quality time with loved ones over the weekend and today
  • Increasing physical fitness and endurance
  • A calm mind (finally)
  • The opportunity and time to enjoy being creative

:kangaroo: :koala: :dromedary_camel: :black_cat: :two_hearts:


I’m so thankful for my blessings. Here are five:

  1. My husband and family.
  2. My self-employment.
  3. Our dogs and cat - Molly Dog age 10,
    Tiny-Cat age 10, and Jack Boi age 8.
  4. The motivation that I feel to stop drinking - 14 days today - I have stopped for years and off and on and I started again after the death of my 27yo son in 1.2022.
  5. I am thankful to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I am grateful I feel rested.
I am grateful I can walk without pain.
I am grateful for clean water.
I am grateful for choises.
I am grateful to be sober as only this allows me to feel gratitude.


The ability to pivot in life.
My resilient mind and body.
My family.
Sober folks.


I am grateful for

  1. My morning swim. Today was the first day and i have more energy/clarity that i have had in a while.
  2. A flexible schedule
  3. 68 days of sobriety (7 days before my next foodie celebration at 75 days)
  4. Talking sober, an outlet i appreciate
  5. My family


Coffee from my loved one in bed early
A swim during lunch, feels like staking a claim on MY TIME
The interest and ability to cook healthily for myself and care for myself even when home alone.
Authors and their imaginations
To have comfort around me and stability


Today’s gratitude is for

  1. The lovely phone call I had with an old friend this afternoon.
  2. Having the motivation to make a delicious and satisfying evening meal for my family today.
  3. Having enough money to buy the things we need and like.
  4. Having a comfortable home.
  5. Feeling a little better and not being sick this morning.

I am grateful for Morning AA meeting
I am grateful for husband being such a good provider.
I am grateful that I can be in a lovely home and work from there
I am grateful for a wonderful pet Yunna Doberman
I am grateful to have enough


Tuesday Grats:

Grateful for another good day at work, even though I’m beat and my body is sore.
Grateful to have a few minutes of wind down time to myself before I go home.
Grateful for this Starbuck’s coffee.
Grateful the Calla Lillies are sprouting back again in our yard.
Grateful to have just what we need. :pray:


Today I am grateful:

  1. For my sobriety
  2. For my comfortable bed
  3. For the abundance in my life
  4. That the day is over
  5. That my back is allowing me to workout

I am grateful to be sober for such a long time already.
I am grateful that this doesn’t mean I’d like to test it again.
I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful my sugar is good again.
I am grateful I have enough.


I missed the gratitude list for a while.
Here we go. Today I am grateful for:

  • coffee
  • time
  • pools available in my area
  • moving soon
  • supporting people around me and family

Time off for doctor’s appointments.
2 crazy kitten brother who make me laugh.
Healthy food.
This app.
Good sleep.



  1. Waking up not hungover never gets old.
  2. Haveing a little money in my pocket.
  3. Being able to focus better.
  4. Im going to see my daughter this week.:blush:
  5. Excited for change as opposed to dreading it.

Wacky Wednesday! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grateful for that ever-crucial first cuppa joe. :coffee:
Grateful my wife and cat are sleeping peacefully next to me.
Grateful to feel energized for the day ahead.
Grateful to get out there and earn, baby, earn!
Grateful for a second chance.


Today I’m grateful for

  1. The help I’m getting from my GP. I’m finding her very supportive.
  2. My yoga class today.
  3. A lovely afternoon coffee (I rarely make myself coffee in the afternoon)
  4. The various shops I went to for the groceries I need for a tasty dinner.
  5. The feeling of being that much more motivated these past couple of days.

I like that excited for change and not dreading it. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.


Some really great grateful reads here.
1 grateful I too have no more hangovers. Mine would last couple days.
2 I am grateful to be here.
3 I am grateful for all of the nature I am surrounded by daily.
4 I am grateful for wanting to get up and get to that first AA meeting today. I found my peeps. They are a great group of supporters
5 I am grateful for another new day of sobriety, which is so wonderful.