Gratitude List. 5 things daily


  1. Being able to be with daughter on her 17th bday. Which would never have happened if I was still drinking.
  2. I am able to be in the soulutuon today.
  3. Not waki g up sick and needing. I say this one a lot because for me waking up was a friggen nightmare.
  4. Cooler temps in NJ.
  5. Coffe and my cat.

YaY Gratitude List! :purple_heart:

  1. I am grateful there is no snow on the ground … yet.
  2. I am grateful for trying new things ( making Pasta!)
  3. I am grateful for 2 friends coming back to me
  4. I am grateful for this App and all of you out there
  5. I am grateful for my persistence and presaverance!

I am grateful

Two AA meetings today. I enjoyed them both.

For spending time with my dog outside in the dark what a wonderful evening.

For being able to focus on me right now, as I go through this sobriety journey

For no drama at home right now

For feeling of giving love.


Pasta is to share. When’s dinner?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ah men ! !

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Lol! I could ship it to ya …but it might be a bit soggy when ya get it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Listening to women in AA meetings talking about things that I feel part of, feelings I relate to.
Mint Tea
Humble food that makes delicious nutrition
Jogging bottoms, comfy and warm
My sister sharing paramount+ with me


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful my muscles are sore.
I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful my grandmother got ergotherapy or whatever it’s called in English.
I am grateful I have enough.


Tonight I am grateful for:

  • being a strong woman
  • not falling back in bad eating habits because of something the crumpy old man said. There was a thought. And I said to myself - no now I will especially eat what I want this day.
  • Charlie the boss,
    showed me a trick today :heart_eyes_cat:
  • my new wardrobe omg :heart_eyes:
  • sleeping in new home tomorrow if everything goes well

Thursday Gratitudes 10/19/23

Grateful to have had 2 days off back-to-back this week, which is very rare.
Grateful to have my “places of refuge”: bookstore, harbour, beach, cemetery, etc.
Grateful I was able to take my Mom out for an outing this afternoon and get her out of the house.
Grateful I’ve figured out my new cellphone and don’t feel like such a big idiot now.
Grateful I’ve gotten over the funk I was in earlier this morning.


Today I am grateful for:

  • My job
  • My new all-electric car even though I need a new phone so I can charge it. My phone is too old.
  • My family
  • My home
  • My three cats: Taz (8), Dozzi (5) and Cori (6 months)

@Kareness I love cats! Do you have photos you would be willing to share? My last cat had to be put to sleep in April after having her for over years and I was completely shattered!! I can’t get another cat or dog where i am living now, but I can’t wait to foster some more fur babies in my next house xo


Grateful for

#1: Getting to the ER yesterday and all my labs being good. Dealing with the PVCS (heart abnormal beats) but i’ll kill the alcohol/caffeine and keep it moving
#2: Grateful to be a husband, a Dad, and present for every day with my family
#3: Grateful Top Golf is opening by me and i’m going to enjoy myself today
#4: Grateful that my boss talks to me more about fantasy football than actual work
#5: Grateful for be alive and sober. 78 days and counting
#6: Grateful for the swimming pool, one of my closest friends!


I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for the healthcare professionals that took care of me last night.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to get sober again.
I’m grateful for my previous sober time of 539 days to guide me in my new time.
I’m grateful I have another opportunity to get my life back


Friday Grats:

Grateful for coffee in bed every morning with the wife and cat.
Grateful that I have a Sunday scheduled off next week.
Grateful when I can figure out something “techy” by myself without asking for help.
Grateful I have a job that I don’t dread waking up and going to every day.
Grateful alcohol is out of my life for good.


Here are some photos @Susy!


Ooh, beautiful kitties!!

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Friday gratitude’s

  • @Looking4Support YES - love the double stuff gluten free oreo cookies!
  • TS site and the support received here daily
  • Cosy warm bed
  • my Sister’s SIL is making use of the Halloween decorations I gave her - love the excitement in the kids eyes.
  • all the paint specs came off my Garmin watch (forgot to take it off when painting the house last week)

Today I’m grateful

  1. For my sobriety
  2. For the love and support I get from this community 3.For my friends that don’t judge me and see the changes I’m making in my life and for supporting them.
  3. The week is over
  4. That my friend Kevin has come to town because he wants to spend time with me.

Grateful for the kind, genuine and selfless people here.
Grateful for that swimming pool yesterday, we prayed together and I felt hurt drip away
Grateful for my real life support, my partner; always ready to fight for my corner no matter what :pray:
Grateful it’s the weekend, oh yes! I need you!
Grateful I can feel any sort of grateful today, I couldn’t see past gloom for some days now.