Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Oh my goodness!!! I am a little jelly hhahaa they are ADORABLE!!!xo

  1. I am grateful that I am still alive after all the copious amounts of drugs & alcohol I consumed.

  2. I am grateful that I still have a thread of sanity left in my head.

  3. I am grateful to have a roof over my head and food in my fridge.

  4. I am grateful for the family I still have in my life and who put up with me.

  5. Last but certainly not least I am grateful to have had the best father ever in my life for the time that I did have him. Thankyou for everything and I love you always and forever Pater, also for my darling dog Blondie who is also no longer with us.


I am grateful for:

  • the old apartment is empty and cleaned
  • washing machine and dryer are transfered and working, a
    dish washer will be delivered on Monday
  • I made it without relaps until here
  • my new bed and matrace
  • cooking in another kitchen, itā€™s fun and changing somehow, I even ate different yesterday
  1. I am greatful for my freedom
  2. I am greatful to have almost 22 days of sobriety
  3. I am greatful for my parents
  4. I am greatful that today i am healthy
  5. I am greatful that i have the ability to walk

Have a blessed and special day


Hi all, I am grateful for

  1. The support of this place
  2. I am warm and cosy inside
  3. No cravings today
  4. Holding my sleeping baby niece earlier :two_hearts:
  5. Peace and quiet

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can afford my life.
I am grateful I donā€™t need a car.
I am grateful I have a roof over my head and enough food.
I am grateful that for now in my limited space everything is all right.


Iā€™m grateful for:

  • my sobriety
  • my pups
  • the long nap I had today I needed it
  • the delicious soup I made
  • the love and support Iā€™m my life

Sunday Grats:

Grateful for my wifeā€™s yummy chicken tostadas for dinner tonight.
Grateful for my favorite flannel blanketā€¦which is now 20 years old and getting a bit threadbare.
Grateful for a comfortable home.
Grateful for a smooth day at work today.
Grateful for contentment and peace.


I am grateful for

  • Lots of rest this weekend
  • Lots of organizing this weekend and cleaning my room so I feel ready for the week
  • My Sunday womenā€™s meeting
  • Seeing both my parents today
  • A fresh pedicure :nail_care:

My friend Bianca who is 10 months into her recovery, and I have decided to write 10 things we are grateful for every night and send it to eachother. I know this is 5 but Iā€™ll share my pictures I send to her aswell :slight_smile:



Monday Grateful forā€¦

1a. Waking up to a new day
2. A peaceful Sunday spent with my wife/kids.
3. Spiderman 2 on PS5, so much fun
4. Taking that hot shower this morning.
5. Not being stressed out at work.
6. No traffic this morning.
7. No heart palpitations this morning, doing the work everyday to keep them at bay.
8. My fantasy basketball draft tonight.


Today I am grateful that

  1. I managed a hot shower despite feeling depressed.
  2. My daughter for her company out at the shops today.
  3. My son for his lovely hug when I told him I wasnā€™t feeling good today.
  4. The lovely dinner my daughter made. No leftovers despite her making loads.
  5. The cosy fireplace.

Dinner made for me
Ahmad sleepy tea
That I remained sober


Today Iā€™m grateful for:

  • a good night sleep
  • the ability to workout today
  • my connection to my guides
  • my sobriety
  • the abundance in my life

Sounds like a Gooder Gratitude list to me :metal::grin:

  1. Family (kids/grandkids)
  2. Sound sleep
  3. My job
  4. My Health
  5. My sobriety

All these home cooked dinners are making me jealous! Lol. Especially that roast @lorelai :grin:

Iā€™ll resort to my tuna in a can :fish::laughing:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful some short work weeks are about to come.
I am grateful I made some decisions. I had to.
I am grateful for the book I read at the moment.
I am grateful I have enough.


Hey peoples,

Today I am grateful for the following:

11 weeks free from dependance on alcohol and benzos - literally a miracle from God!
My sober womenā€™s group and getting to know the other ladies
Looking forward to a much more positive future ahead
Seeing my 1yo niece and my brother tomorrow
The unconditional support I have been blessed with by some family and friends who know what was and is happening

Blessings from Australia xo :koala: :kangaroo: :dromedary_camel: :sunny: :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I went to the meeting in our house yesterday. Discussing things of our community.
I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful I did some yoga nidra in bed to help me sleep.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful

  • organising a lot is bringing things in the right direction
  • the rooms in the new apartment getting cozy and I feel very safe although itā€™s the ground floor
  • I have friendly neighbors
  • I seem to make a new friend
  • I have enough (copy @anon74766472 Franzi todayā€¦ this simple sentence says so much)