Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Grateful today:

  1. Though I’ve woken up at 4 am the last couple mornings, I’ve had no problem falling asleep at the start of the night and I got high quality sleep.
  2. That I’m motivated to tackle some decluttering projects and have a vision of a tidy, organized home
  3. Sunshine on my face while I write this
  4. Mild headache this morning was gone after doing some stretches
  5. Fridays and making plans with my husband for the weekend

1.Im thankful its over.
2.Im grateful for a/c
3.Im grateful for awareness
4.Im thankful everyday that Im not waking up sick.
5.Im thankful for thunderstorms.
6. Im so grateful people are sharing here!


Today I’m grateful…

  • I chose a workout over a bottle of wine after a really hard day at work
  • for my therapist
  • for my dog
  • 4 days sober
  • for my eye doctor apt tomorrow so I can get new glasses bc my dog chewed mine :upside_down_face::heart:

I’m grateful for:

  1. Being tired because I am just tired not because I’m pouring poison into my body.

  2. Opportunity, even if it takes persistence.

  3. Peanut butter cereal.

  4. My home and my renewed energy to clean it and the energy to love the people and pets in it.

  5. Each and every one of you beautiful struggling addicts who have helped me re-frame my life into something hopeful and positive. :heart: You all are treasures.


Today Im grateful for…

  1. The relationship i have with my daughters Mom.
  2. I think Im becoming a little more patient.
  3. My kick ass daughter.
  4. Music.
  5. I have more options eveyday I dont drink.
  1. I’m alive and sober
  2. I have forgiven myself
  3. I have no one to forgive
  4. The A.A. Program and fellowship
  5. My family

My schoolwork
My dogs
The ability to give back to others
A hot shower
A good homemade meal


I read this thread from time to time…and I figure it’s about time I jump in!

  1. Time with my senior dogs (and that I am aware that this time is fleeting, which, rather than drinking about…I now make the choice daily to love them to the best of my ability for).

  2. The money in my bank account that allows me to be in the home buying search (all due to my choice to get sober a little over 1700 days ago):yellow_heart:

  3. My avocado toast breakfast :drooling_face: (that I feel awake and alive enough to cook due to sobriety).

  4. A day off after a very long work week. Which I will spend looking for houses, cook prepping for the week and doing something nourishing (sundays in active addiction looked something akin to a party at my house, which left me hungover, sleepless, depleted and anxiety ridden)

  5. Restorative yoga (which I’m realizing is the nervous system regulation my subconscious self secretly needed all those years as I tried to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

I only plan on writing the five things in the future, but today I was REALLY struck with how everything good in my life currently, is a direct result of the one choice I made to get sober. :yellow_heart:

  1. A quiet weekend off. I didn’t get a lot done but what I did, I did sober.

  2. Good food and a never ending stream of new recipes to try.

  3. No more drunken fights with my husband.

  4. My kitties.

  5. The realization that I am far from perfect but I am working to be better every day. My sobriety is the only way I move forward. :heart:


Im grateful for

  1. A decent gig
  2. More and more Im keeping my mouth shut and its working out better and better.
  3. Im grateful Im sober
  4. Being able to stay present (most of the time)
  5. Thunderstorms


  1. Finding joy in the end of season in my garden, even though it makes me a bit sad. It’s all part of it.
  2. Knowing when I need a break from my phone and time online and taking the break!
  3. Long talks with my dad and discussing our experiences with therapy
  4. Delicious leftovers
  5. Cooler days in the forecast

Today I am grateful for:

  • books, I just love reading.
  • my cat
  • my hubby
  • the changing of the seasons
  • not drinking

-God giving me another chance
-My family
-waking up hangover free
-my job and ability to make a living
-my knowledge that I will not drink again today


A good life lesson :+1:t3:


Another good life lesson :heartpulse:


I’m grateful for…
My husband. :heart:
My dog. :paw_prints:
Hiking. :hiking_boot:
My home. :house_with_garden:
& crisp fall mornings. :maple_leaf:

  1. For modern science trying to help me start a family
  2. For a job that provides me the ability to do what I love with a community that I love and get paid for it.
  3. For getting better at boundaries
  4. For chocolate
  5. For going to bed sober tonight

Grateful for:

  • days out with friends
  • tea and cake
  • English gardens
  • early nights with great books
  • sober days

Today im grateful for…

  1. The trust my job has in me.
  2. My upcoming trip to see my daughter
  3. Not being miserable.
  4. New opportunity
  5. Now

…ability to learn how the brain functions.
…modern medicine to take the edge off.
…the way my mentality has changed to a positive outlook over the last 28 days.
…my precious, innocent children.
…my loving and understanding wife.