Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

6days no nicotine including loszenges

Longest ive ever purposely went without nicotine
Every day from here on out will be record breaking for myself


Last time I quit was in 2010 for 4 years. But I was drinking like a Mofo, so there were always cravings and I finally caved. Even though it was harder tackling both together this time, it’s actually been easier in the long run.


Hell yeah @Noshame way to brake the shackles. Hold tight. The cravings will come but you just got to get to the other side


now that is impressive work friend – way to keep showing up for yourself – 1 week milestone tomorrow and many more to come :muscle:

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Flex those sober muscles Joe! You are a rockstar – keep stacking up the days on all your timers :muscle:


Checking in on 1month 14 days tobacco free


22 days team!!

Oofft had hectic cravings today though
And what is it with being hungry as fuck or wanting mad sugar all the time since quiting!!


Keep up the quit @2JTravNZ @Ashley_luvz_starz @Jasty2

I liked my number today

Edit to note the time and battery % make this capture that much sweeter. Lol idk im weird and numbers make me happy lol


LOL— i love that you caught that and that the numbers brought you joy! Great work on your days – damn they are stacking up nicely :muscle:


Its been hard to get out fishing lately lately. The weather has been windy. My paychecks feeling it.

Look at all that money I save not smoking! :money_mouth_face:


IMPRESSIVE! Hope you get back out on that water soon. You are doing amazing on your sober journey Jason :muscle:

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For some reason “probably stress” I’ve had some wicked cravings everyday for two weeks. That quickly changes to “oh wait, I don’t smoke”. Anyhoo, sometimes I just gotta walk away.


Congrats on the sober baby @Curtis-81 keep flexing your sober muscles and leave nicotine in your dust

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Thanks CJ. :grin::no_smoking::+1:

Way to go Curtis – impressive work on your 9 months! I see you doing so well. Stress can be a bitch and i know my mind tries to trick me with old habits as my coping mechanisms.

I love this! :muscle:



Thanks Jasmine. I’m thankful that I am in the company of such wonderful people doing great things. It really helps. :no_smoking::+1:


I am at 400+ days over here off the cigarettes and I keep having smoking dreams. I think part of it is stress but part of it is wanting to take that huge inhale and exhale. I think my subconscious is literally telling me to breathe.

If I don’t have them I can’t smoke them.


Way to go Emilie – 400+ days is impressive work. :tada: :tada: I like your interpretation - the dream telling you to breathe. I do hope you are able to relax and unwind and that the dreams go away. You can’t smoke them if you don’t have them – love this! Never again as Mno would say.

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I’ll be honest, I’m vaping still. I’m planning a stop within the next ten days. I have to really gear up for this and set a date and have everything gone first etc. I know that sounds like excuses but honestly drinking is my real demon, smoking just another ghost to exorcise. I’ll be back here in a couple of weeks, mark my words :wink:


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