Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

@Fireweed how are you holding up?

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Good mornung Chris! Early bird… not sure if I’m gonna wake up for good. Saw your post and was wondering how many days AF you had (my memory sucks… lake placid)? No problem sir, that was a good try and when you’re ready, you’re ready :muscle::slight_smile:
I’ve been so busy with my flu haven’t had a chance to go through proper cravings. First day was hard though and Im sure there will be many others. Sleeping has been sheit.

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That sounds like a good plan. Six months is enough to try other abstinence. But always careful with that and baby steps :hugs:

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Four marathons, that’s like wow! My goal is just be able to run one day, not that high :sweat_smile: I’m happy that you made it @JorgeBasurto :facepunch:

45 days AF, nearly 46, will be there in a little over an hour. And that wasn’t a good try! Shitty!! But I needed something to mellow me and alcohol definitely isn’t an option!

That sucks you’re dealing with the flu, miserable garbage! Really hope you get back to your old grumpy self soon.

This site is crazy, you’re trying to wake up and I’m trying to get my grumpy ass to sleep.

Start feeling better today. Stay strong!

Thanks I will! As grumpy as it gets. 45 days, well. I might have said that not yet if I’d “known”. 6 months is better to try again? Now sobriety first. For me sobriety means AF. Nicotine is an addiction as well but doesn’t ruin your entire world in the same sense than some other addictions do. You are allowed to stay cause we all know you’re grumpy and more than that, an a-hole :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: sorry!


Aaand good night friend :wave:

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Definitely grumpy and most definitely an a-hole! I wouldn’t leave if you tried to kick me out. Goes against my nature! Sweet dreams!!

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Stubborn as a tick!

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Know that you are my hero right now. You’re one heck of an a-hole, @Fireweed!

It’s inspiration. Part of me wants to say, “Oh, after all this stuff that’s going on. Then it’ll be time.”

Making me a hypocrite. The only right time we ever have is today. Blergh.

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“I can be hero, just for one day” thanks @eke for your kind words. Proud to be an a -hole and also a cigarette free one (4 days). Not so grumpy though, wonder what I’m to do to fix it??

I had “after this/that and tomorrow” thoughts for many times and I was pushed to quit a lot. My first so called serious attempt was before my zaps started, but then the corticosteroid medication made me want to smoke even more than normally, I was manic with insomnia, a total mess… so I was like let it burn baby, let it burn…

The second serious attempt is this one now. It has matured since last spring when a nice nurse from our local clinic for addicts told me that a peer group for nic quitters would start when year changes. The group was cancelled but I grew horns in my BAB head and thought that I’m gonna do it anyway and get rid on my own.

Don’t blame yourself Mr California. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now. So maybe re think the issue when you’re settled in a bit?

And if you then need encouragement, you can just look at this and hope she doesn’t pay a visit…


Dear god, talk about a poster photo for a grumpy a-hole thread!:rofl::rofl:

Congrats on your 4 days! I’m definitely rooting for you. In a grumpy way of course!

Keep fighting, you’re off to a great start!

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Oh yeah, that’s my old prof pic. Made it when I was really really really grumpy.

Thanks not feeling so much cravings (probably because the flu) unless some one passes by with a happy face and cig in his/her hand :grimacing:

And thanks for being here for me :pray: I wonder how are the others coping…?

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The picture is amazing. Is that something you do for a living or just a happy hobby to help keep you sober?

I’m definitely here for you! I warned you that you couldn’t kick me out of here! Even after my epic fail. Figure I will stick around and watch and learn. Not giving up, just warming up for my next attempt.

Why thank you… I was to be a professional photographer long time ago and sometimes like to play with pics like a little kid.
Your fail wasn’t epic, it was in universal measures… no just kidding. Failing is nothing, trying is something. Take your time… sobriety first :facepunch:


Definitely sobriety first! I won’t lose sight of that.

Would really like to see more of your photos.

Way to go sir.

Naah I don’t have a collection to present. Mainly I’ve taken pictures of Finnish nature but that’s another story :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yay Hanna, non-grumpy non-a-hole smober lady from the north! At least 1 is doing this and it’s you. Keep going, you’re doing great!


Thanks @Mno saved that on my phone :muscle:

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Congrats on four days @Fireweed!


I had a little slip but didnt go back.

Day before yesterday i saw someone smoking from a block away. Then i could smell it. It smelled so good, and it lingered forever. Really set off a craving

Then I went to the dock and everyone was smoking. I got one from a friend. Smoked half. Feeling horrible about my lack of will power, decided i was done. Cigarette didnt taste as good as i expected.

Seeing others smoke wasnt nearly as much of a trigger yesterday.

Fuck cigarettes! They suck! :muscle: