Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Heyyy half a cig doesn’t ruin what you’ve already achieved. Just keep going @JasonFisher :facepunch:


Hey Grumps… I’m on day 4 and I’m not that grumpy. No drink no smoking and to make me even less grumpy my wife is stopping drinking and smoking tomorrow…That’s probably when I will be Grumpy.
Seriously I’m finding it easy but also a bit flat because I want to get past 35 days again.


Congrats to you and your wife. Serious props. Just worry about one more day and day 35 will come and go before you know it. Nice work!

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Thanks Chris . How are you managing?

I failed with nicotine on day 2! Went back to work after 9 days off and the stress got to me. But I’m at 48 days now alcohol free. Gearing up for my next attempt to lose the tobacco habit. Probably going to give it a couple of months though. Happy to hear you’re staying strong though!


Hey grumpy a-holers, need help cause I’m definitely craving now. It’s pretty bad, I’d like to vape but promised myself I won’t do that either… Sheitx10


Hey there grump, there’s only room for one of us in this quit room! Not seeing that in your near future. What’s causing this craving?

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Chris, thx for being there. Sad to say I’m no more vape free (took three breathes)…
well my patch detached and it took a while that I noticed it… and the fact that I can’t get out of my head :slightly_smiling_face:


Better that than the smokes! One step at a time. You’re doing great. Just don’t let that damn vape be your next habit. Patch on my friend, patch on!!


Gonna have a good read through this thread. Been ‘trying’ to quit this past couple of months but in a really half-assed way. I’ll be adding it to my check-ins from now on, creating some accountability :+1:


Your doing awesome @Fireweed!
You got this💪

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Lost my marbles for a second. Did not continue vaping and I actually hate it. I’m a cig addict.
Patching on…

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Happy to have you join us @Hailstrom. Stay grumpy and a-hole :+1:

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Thanks @JasonFisher. I didn’t do well but not gonna whine about that either :new_moon_with_face: shit happens

If you start whining I’m going to start smoking!

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No worries :v:

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You all focking hang in there!!! All of you know one is never enough! You are ex smokers (or ex dippers or ex vapers) meaning you don’t do that disgusting lying killing stuff no more! Never again! NOPE! (as in Not One Puff Ever!)
Keep going folks. One day, one hour, one minute, one crave at a time. Every crave survived make the next one that tiny little bit easier to live through. You won’t notice at first but it is true.


Thanks for encouragement Menno. I’m seriously determined about not smoking a one cig anymore since ny. And getting rid of patches once I’ve used the pack. To be honest I used the vape to increase my nic levels before my girls arrived home so that the first thing they see is not their mom’s grumpy face. Was it wise, not. Tactical, yes.


I understand your reasoning Hanna. It’s a slippery slope you’re on though. One of the reasons I choose cold turkey when I quit. No ambiguity. Black or white, do or die. And I was an extremely grumpy A-hol for a day or ten that’s true.

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Day 3, quit dip on Friday. Also taking Wellbutrin, which is why I think I get no reward from it. Tons of situational cravings, and I have a full “break in case of emergency” tin of Kodiak, but so far so good.