Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

I would love to quit smoking but I am worried that it would jeopardize my sobriety from my other addictions. I just bought a vape though and I am trying to vape more and smoke cigarettes less and see how that goes


Yeah f this too and f.n good mornung. I’m having sore throat and running nose. Couldn’t sleep last night except for couple of hours.
Do you have a punching bag?


Not mine either although I have them in reach if needed… Not yet… not yet…
I can visualize you chewing multiple nicotine gums and several patches slapped (:joy:) around everywhere, one on your forehead


Sobriety first @Alyssa_Russell :v: how many days do you have?

I hope everyone is doing ok.

24 days since my last cigarette. Ive milked out time off work as long as I possibly can.

I havent been around anyone since I quit. I have left my home minimal. Its just too easy to buy a pack out there.

Everytime i have gone to the store for groceries i have almost caved.

Today will be the first day I will be around smokers.

Feeling strong!

Yesterday i was cleaning and found a half a cigg. I destroyed it, but it was very tempting to smoke it.
The severe nicotine withdrawal is over.
The physical aspect of smoking is what is challenging now. All those moments that smoking occupied. It really gets intertwined with every aspect of life. I find myself constantly reaching for it. I guess that will pass too.

I used to fuction without any vices. Wtf happened?


Hello Jason! 24 days is awesome :clap: I’m very proud of you
Yes that’s the other part like it was for me in getting rid of alcohol. The habits, daily routine and rituals have to change. Would be wise to have an alternative for those situations? Like what do I do wheat I wake up, after meals, walking the dog, etc…


There’s addiction and there’s habit. With smoking for me it turned out the habit was harder to break.And took longer. Also after more than 4 years of being free from nicotine I still chew a couple of toothpicks daily. Which is fine with me. I’m not craving smoking at all and I haven’t for a long time. But the oral fixation is still there :sunglasses:. Also a big lesson all addicts have to learn is to accept emptiness. Part of our existence is made up of emptiness. of idleness, of void. We addicts (and ‘modern’ people in general) are always busy filling this emptiness with stuff. Smoking might be the most extreme example of that, just like you say Hanna. I smoked 40 a day or something. That’s 2.5 smokes each waking hour. That’s a lot of time. Keep going all! Doing great!


Word man! And this emptiness can be, if allowed, restoring, refreshing, calming, empowering… Looking for that emptiness to fill my life :blush:


Feeling mighty fine Day 2 no issues no cravings no regrets no worries.


I’m considering chewing the nicotine patches like gum! Fist day back to work after 9 days off, no f’n bueno!!!

Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. But glad you’re surviving.


Great job @Leveller!

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Try one and I’m sure you’ll regret…
Not Bueno but you’ll be having good hostage candidates around?

I might have to take a few!

Just treat them nice n grumpy :v:

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Fro sure! Always!!!

That a boy

Well I’m out! Cleaning up the mess of 9 days off of work proved to be too much. Still sober from alcohol, but I caved on the tobacco. Hopefully you’re doing better than me!

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I quit smoking 15 years ago thanks to a ACL surgery. The doc told me that the more avoided the Tobbaco, the sooner I’d be running. It was hard but I made it and after smoking for many years I was able to run 4 marathons flawlessly. You can do it!


I didn’t survive day 1, and all I was trying to do was stop chewing nic gum after 6pm. :grimacing:

I’m likely going to try to stop in April, when I’m 6 months AF.


I might have to give my alcohol sobriety a little longer as well. I definitely was craving something, much rather it be tobacco than alcohol.

A ton harder than I thought it would be.