Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

I’m not constantly worried that I smell like smoke.


I am about to go on holidays and I have those very dangerous thoughts of having just one…
Strange how our minds work
Can’t go back and will not go back to smoking
It smells horrible, it stains teeth, it endangers every inch of our respiratory system, and our bodies overall.
Need a break from the thoughts


Those thoughts suck. It is funny how our minds go back to our DOC as we are planning a trip.
I find going back to the basics like chewing gum or playing with a straw helps me remember the early days and the struggle. Reminding myself of the stink, the dry mouth, the aftertaste…etc.
I do hope you find relief from these thoughts and have a wonderful vacation.

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So im 10 and a half months sober from alcohol, 4 years sober from hard drugs, and 1.5 days free of smoking cigarettes. Holy shit its been a hard day. I wanna quit for my health, especially cause it triggers inflammation which makes my rheumatoid arthritis worse. Ive also started taking supplements to help it, basically ive done everything besides quit smoking so its the logical next step. Ive tried quitting before but never cause of the pain. And if i can do anything to make my arthritis easier to live with i will.


Welcome @Ridesende to your quit. I can totally relate to trying everything for my health but quiting smoking!

Its gonna suck for awhile but just imagine yourself breaking free from the chains of nicotine. Hang in there and post when you need support!

These folks here helped me get to 4 months so far.


111 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Day 3 no vaping. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in a few months now. This Covid sickness is the perfect opportunity for me to quit so I did. Proud of everyone!


Ah man this is great work. Congratulations on your smoke / vape free time
Keep going strong Robbie :muscle:


Thank you Jasmine!

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Perfect time @Rockstar24777

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Day 5 no vape. I’m finally getting over the Covid and now my brain is wanting to vape again. I’m using the patch and lozenges which seem to work really well. It’s all in my head and I know that it’s just growing pains lol. I’m ok.


Hi :wave:t5:
I’m Reading all your achievement and it’s great. Sober from alcohol for now 4 months and 1 week. And want to quit smoking. It’s the first Time I want to stop and I Can stay without smoking for days but when I have to go to work, like today, I …buy cigarettes.

They last for a week and when I’m working from home or weekends I go outside two Times a day to smoke. I Bought a vape and It helped when I don’t have cig even If I dont use It often, only once or twice a day.

I will try to really stop again for good the 15th ( when I finished what I bought this morning) but everytime I’m like " oh I need It to go through those stressful days "

Any advice ?

I walk a lot, started jumping rope two weeks ago, and will begin running with a group during holidays. Also I Had COVID one month ago and since feeling really tired still have aches but I’ll see my doctor AT thé end of the week…

:sparkles:Thank you and have a Wonderful day ! :sparkles:


Smoking was super hard for me to quit… i did do it with the help of a hypnotism app and with nicorette gum. I also tried to always be chewing gum or fidgeting with something to keep myself from thinking about the craving and made sure i was drinking my coffee a little later in the morning so i did not start the day off with coffee and cig – just changing up some routines helped a great deal.

i also started pumping gas at Sams Club station so that i would not be tempted to go into the store to buy smokes. If i did have to go to a reg gas station i would pay at pump.

12/15 is a great day – you have set this day in your mind. Come here for support when you need it. We got your back!


How are you doing friend? The beginning can be hard. My advice is to take your time to scroll through (and preferably read) this whole thread. Start to finish. Much good advice, tips and tricks to be found.

And distraction from smoking of course. Distraction being one of the D’s to use when fighting craves. Distraction, Discussion, Drinking Water, Deep breaths, and I keep forgetting the 5th one. Anybody?

Anyway, wishing you all success. And here’s today’s milestone for me. Hopefully it is of some inspiration to you. It can be done! One day at a time as always XXX


Congratulations @Mno your Luna girl is proud of you for the 3000 days you haven’t smoked!! Yay! Super achievement!


I stopped smoking on and off for the last few years after 20 years of daily smoking. I went 3 months smoke free and smoked 2 cigarettes on Friday night. Now my lungs are like they are on fire and i have a cough an i have no energy. Anyone else experience this ever?


After my last quit I never smoked again. I’m a terrible nicotine junkie. I never can have just one or two. Hope for you this was once but never again Ross.


Addiction really is an insidious monster. Yesterday my husband came in from smoking a cigarette and I was marveling at the fact that I used to smoke cigarettes. I’m 320ish days free of nicotine today but I smoked for almost 20 years and could not believe how craving free I was on a regular basis. The idea of smoking was absolutely foreign to me yesterday.

Today I thought, maybe I’ll hide a cigarette in my car so I can smoke it secretly on my way home from visiting family tomorrow. :woman_facepalming:t2::japanese_ogre:

I see you craving, I hear you asking me to fail but I will not fall into your trap.


Fuck those nic cravings.

Had one myself earlier today.

We will thank ourselves later for not giving in @TrustyBird


I’m going to quit juul vaping for new years or at least start the tapering process. One of my goals. Best luck to everyone. Merry Christmas happy new year.