Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

love this Emilie - Damn addict mind! We will not fall into the traps set by our addiction – stronger together :muscle:

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you! I used a juul as a quitting tool and ended up just vaping all day. Its a hard habit to break but you have got this.
Hop on here if you need a good word. :christmas_tree::christmas_tree:

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1189- one of the worst sensations I’ve ever had in the first week or so but now it seems like such a disgusting and financial burden of a habit.


I have been experiencing some cravings.

I’ve been working with smokers. It hasnt been them triggering me, its been the opposite. As we finish running a string, giving them a chance to grab a smoke, i go inside the cabin and eat something, while they stay out where its miserable just to get their fix. That used to be me.

Not anymore.


Fighting to not give in this holiday season


Don’t do it. Remember when you started. You wanted to be right where you are today. We’ve got this.
Every Christmas for the last few years I buy myself and my husband an ornament for something that has happened in the year. This is my ornament for this year.


Love that ornament Emilie :people_hugging:

Stay strong friends @JasonFisher @cjp those cravings can be intense.

Just remember how hard it was to get started and how far you’ve come. We are here if you need to vent out the frustration :pray:


So iv posted in here before about giving up cigarettes but it never stuck, I wasn’t ready. I liked the idea but I wasn’t ready to put in the work.
Iam now on day 3 and very much done with it. Just wish I would stop eating when I get abit anxious and get a craving haha but I’ll take it for the moment!
Need to turn my hands to crocheting or crossstitch again so might stock up over the weekend to help my waistline from forever expanding haha hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas x



Way to go Megan - 3 days is impressive. I tried to curb the need to eat with chewing gum and keeping my hands busy with knitting or puzzles. Looking forward to seeing your cross stitch and crocheting handiwork. Keep going strong :muscle:

YES!! check you out with your 92 days Joe! looking forward to celebrating your triple digits soon :tada:

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Thankyou! I will show you, be a great distraction method for me haha just went back and saw your at 2 years (well done :clap:) what gave you the kinda final this isnt for me/im fed up with this moment? Or wasn’t there one did you have to be quite brutal with yourself?

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Thank you. :pray:

I was tired of the daily quit process or the empty promises of I will quit tomorrow. I did have to be brutal and it was not easy. I did keep away from inside of gas stations and liquor stores where cigs were available so that I would not be tempted.
It does get easier as you keep pushing forward. We got your back here :people_hugging:


Lets get it on!



Made it a week! I do miss it I’m not guna lie. I’m not scratching my skin wanting it but I do find myself going oh I’ll just pop out for a fag and then catching myself like oh I don’t do that anymore, damn, lol


Your a rockstar girl. 1 week milestone is amazing :muscle:

I don’t know why but my mind does miss the release with smoking a cig…I remind myself how I’m enjoying waking up without the nasty aftertaste, being able to take deep breaths without coughing and no more wheezing after taking stairs. The benefits help me stay focused on the recovery journey.

Much strength to you… keep kicking this habits ass :muscle:


One day shy of triple 2’s. :call_me_hand:


Hells yeah!!! So happy for you
giphy (2)

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No I’m talking about you. 2 years, 2 months, 2 days. I’m approaching 100.